Neighborhood trail submission declined

I’ve been trying to submit a nearby neighborhood trail for a waypoint, it has no sign whatsoever but is there and runs along the neighbor hood, this trail offers beautiful views of the Chula Vista suburbs and runs through the hill of the suburbs, How do I get this accepted?

Hello and Welcome @Skeptical52

Could you please post some photos of the trail so that we have a clearer idea of what it looks like.
Are there any bridges along it?

I am also going to move this to nomination support area as that seems more appropriate.

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Here’s the entrance and the views it has

It looks amazing, are you sure there are no signs at all? How do people know it’s a trail?

If there’s some external resource confirming the location of the trail, e.g. a city council or parks page then that can help with approvals. The other thing that’s needed is some sort of physical anchor, usually a sign but it could be a bench, viewing area, gateway or any other tangible object - unfortunately a stretch of path is unlikely to be deemed distinct.

A random spot along a trail is not going to be an identifiable place for a wayspot.

I have sometimes been able to get photos of the gates/bollards placed at the entrances to the trail to prevent vehicles from entering accepted when there is no signage.

There’s nothing to show but a lot of people do know it’s a trail because it is the easiest way around the community

Have you tried to get your local community group or council to make and instal an official design. It could be a community project?

Hi @Skeptical52 do you have a google map location of the path so the team here can have a look. :slight_smile: Then perhaps we can provide more insights to help with this.


Search Altamira park in Chula Vista and then from there move directly
Up and you will see it


What do these little signs say? You might be able to use them to anchor a photo for the trail, even though the signs would not meet criteria on their own.

The trail is clearly visible on satellite view, so that should help your nomination.

I see a nearby trailhead is in game as a portal. Note how the photo is framed to clearly indicate that this is an entrance to a trail, even without a sign:

Maybe try to take some new photos and post them here for advice.


I have not that would take forever here

Those are just some water signs for the sewage stuff, yeah I Made that other waypoint but that trail actually has a name unlike this One and the photo makes it look to be just a pathway that’s like 50 feet but it’s because it turns at the end of the photo to start the trail as you can see in google maps satellite landscape.

I came to same conclusion as @cyndiepooh
It is worth trying to take some pictures at the start of the trail. It does look like it’s a nice walk.
It might take a long time to try and get signage or even just a name and website for the route but if you don’t start it will take even longer.

I already tried the entrance

I already did and it got declined

The first photos along the trees is the start