New and need some help on a wayspot submission thats confused me

The image above is the front of this building, and there is a wayspot there. It would make sense the that the imaged notice board would be on this side of the building… but the wayspot which has been submitted has it on the other side of the building… which makes no sense for a community board.
Actually as i create the images to share on this topic i realise that the new wayspot is in a logical place, but the one near it seems a long way from where it should be? Am i seeing that right?

It looks like the plague should be where this wayspot is nominated to be? but thats not the one I am voting on, so not sure how to proceed?

Not reviewed many yet and want to get it right.

Hi, @NorfolkDave

From a distance, it looks like the plaque has been replaced with an information board. On the review photo I see the same pattern of white spots surrounding the rain pipe as on Google Maps imagery, where the new information board is located.

The existing Wayspot’s coordinates (the plaque) on the east of the building seems a bit off: the plaque was clearly located at the south. The new Wayspot (which you were reviewing) seemed correct, I would have accepted it and hoped someone would report the other one as invalid.

seems i ran out of time to review it (didnt know there was a time limit lol)

So in essence ignore other inconsistant portals(unless they are duplicates) when reviewing a portal. Thank you that does help. I am very worried of making a mistake at mo as rather new to this.

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Hiya @NorfolkDave & Welcome to the Wayfarer Community.

The more you look over the review system the more you will find features and options that you didn’t know was there before.

Even if you think your unsure don’t be afraid to hit the “I don’t know” button’s on the questionnaire for the submission,it’s not just you that’s reviewing that makes the final decision there “could be” others monitoring your location that will see the same posts.

Yes there is a time limit I believe 20 minutes of staying on one review (and I wish there was a counter to show this) but sometimes this feels shorter so as you get better with the options you will become quicker at things.

Make sure you’ve setup your wayfarer settings to disable the “upgrade” (when you get that far) bonus otherwise they will auto apply to any Wayspot you may have submitted in queue and also look carefully about the home location and bonus locations on areas you feel comfortable with to hopefully send more local nominations to you.

Many of us including me get nominations from all over even with these settings in place but depending on the backlog on the system that your helping to clear this will enable you to start going “ohhh I know this place it’s nearby” in time

One Final Tip:- if the wayspot dots don’t look right on location edits and you can see the submission on streetview (depending on how old the map data is) as above on your photo that maybe wrong you have the “suggest new location” option when clicked it turns the marker green and you can then move it to the correct location within a set limit and if it’s too much (If I recall 100mtrs) then it will error in red to tell you to reject It…it’s a nice feature to use but doesn’t always show up so keep your eye out for it.

The images at the bottom show you nearby live wayspots that you can tap in map mode to see how close they are from your current review submission to help you decide if they have already been submitted or if they are a duplicate.

And lastly the forum is here for us to talk with each other and to help understand/learn the system,we are mostly all other players of various Niantic products/games so each one of us has different ways to help that you can learn from.

Take your time (within the review limits) and before long this will feel like a distant memory and will make more sense…quality over quantity should apply here I guess :wink:


Hi @phantomr1982
Great summarize :hugs:
But this part isn’t correct:

The option to suggest a better location is only given for full nominations.
While location edit reviews you could only use the checkbox “noone above” (or how the english term is)


By location dot’s I was referring to the “orange circles” that gives you a choice of where to put the location pin…in many reviews I’ve done the “suggest new location” option comes up randomly even though these dots are present and in most cases I’ve had the option on edits too.

Nobody’s perfect not even me and for a minute I thought I’d made a typo error so went back over the reply which does happen because of predictive keyboards.

On location edits I can only pick one of the choices given to me. I can’t suggest a new location. Maybe you can provide a screenshot of what you are talking about?

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