Niantic wayfarer users with multiple accounts

Recently, many suggested locations have been rejected for strange reasons. I know that there are many players in Taiwan who use multiple accounts for review, and randomly find wrong reasons to reject other people’s suggested locations in order to quickly review their other accounts. This kind of This behavior seriously affects other players’ suggestions for exploring new locations, and many fake supply stations have popped up. Why can’t we deal with these multi-account reviewers?

Well … the actions you describe are clearly against the rules.

Maybe the company can track down culprits if this is occurring ---- I am thinking only the company can properly answer your question.

Unfortunately there are that small % of fakes and cheats in all facets of life.

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Maybe you can share a few examples.

And look if it was ML communitie or niantic that rejected it.


I have seen this in Taiwan some time ago. But it is very hard to prove and is a serious allegation.

Firstly, if the email says “our team decided”, it was not a regular user who rejected it, but the AI or an employee from Niantic.

Second, if you could share some examples, we can help you give suggestions if it looks like actual voting abuse or if the contribution could be improved instead.

If there is abuse suspected, you can submit a report here: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center

You can give your own nominations there and ask for a review of the reviewers. But to not waste the time of the staff I would recommend thoroughly checking your nominations before.