So, it was voted on by the community, and it was rejected for more than one reason. It could have been rejected as a duplicate, for a low quality main photo, or even inaccurate location. Those would be my top 3 reasons.
It may still be accepted, but there’s no guarantee that it’ll be in any game. What we are doing as Wayfarers are building the Lightship map, not creating stops/gyms, portals, or other game play locations for any Niantic game.
Whether or not there are Wayspots in an existing cell doesn’t decide whether something is accepted or not. I submitted some war memorial stones at a public plaza back in June, and all were accepted. However, only 1 of the 4 stones is a stop in PoGo, but all are on the Lightship map.
Lightship can also be used by developers of other apps and games, so they could use them differently.
Photos can be cropped to better center the nomination, as well as being taken in either portrait or landscape. Taking supporting photos is best done in landscape, as you are more likely to be able to include the place being nominated with the surrounding area.
Here’s an example of a Wayspot that ML accepted for the start of a disc golf course. I made sure the sign was well placed in the main photo, and took a landscape photo showing the front of the park, the park sign (which has a Wayspot already) and nearby street so it can be placed if it was reviewed by the community. This Wayspot was not added to PoGo because of some existing Wayspots, but it could be in other Niantic games and is on the Lightship map.
I’m more than ok with this not having a stop/gym, as there are already plenty of Wayspots with stops/gyms at this park. My main reason for submitting it was that none of the disc golf holes have yet to be submitted, and for safety reasons, are not allowed to be. I wanted to make sure there was 1 anchor Wayspot for the disc golf course, so that if holes do get submitting in the future, they will be rejected.