Nomination rejected

Any help on why my nomination was rejected.

Welcome to the Bear Creek Meadows Channel Trail! To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, please observe the following guidelines.
19558 Tahoka Springs Dr, Katy, TX 77449, USA
Trail has an additional Poke stop and gym along with a playground. Great place to get some exercise and hunt some Pokémon.

Hello and welcome,

First off, we are submitting Wayspots, not stops/gym solely for PoGo. Wayspots are added to the Lightship map, which is used by Niantic games to determine game play locations. Each game has its own density rules, and because of this, not all Wayspots will appear in every game. PoGo uses S2 cells, while Ingress uses a 20 meter rule.

I did find a similar sign that already has a Wayspot at 29.863373, -95.713286. It appears to be the south end of the trail, and the rejected one is at the north end, so it may have been viewed as a duplicate. It’s possible that it’s not in PoGo, as there is another Wayspot near it for a bench.

If you resubmit, it may be best to label this as the north entrance of the trail, since the south entrance already has a Wayspot. You will also want to take a better supporting photo, showing the sign with the surrounding area, not just the surrounding area, as it’s not on Street View; this will help place it better in the area. The main photo could also be centered better on the sign.

If it does get accepted, do note that there is another Wayspot nearby for a bench and 1 of the playground, so there’s no guarantee that it’ll be added to PoGo, but it may get added to other Niantic games.


Yes, it does seem that the existing way spot at the bench will block the sign from appearing in Pokémon GO and maybe even ingress. This is just from the online Intel S2 map. Others have plug-ins that make a lot easier to see, but I think it’s obvious here the whole areas in one cell.

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Welcome to the forum @Ultraball8122

What was the rejection reason? That will be on your contribution.

As to the other issue folks were addressing, if this sign were to be accepted, it would not be eligible to appear in Pokemon Go because it is in the same level 17 S2 cell as another Wayspot:

If you want to understand S2 cells and how Pokemon Go uses them, this is a good article:

While the OP didn’t mention a rejection reason, my guess was it was marked as a duplicate, since the sign at the south entrance already has a Wayspot, and looks exactly the same.

I’m also thinking ML, the AI, marked it as a duplicate, or rejected it for another reason, such as the main photo not being well centered, or the supporting photo not showing the sign with the surrounding area (neither sign is on Street View, so they must be fairly new, and ML was unable to locate).

I do feel like the OP got an “our team” email, ML rejection, than an “our community” one. @Ultraball8122 mind confirming your rejection email and reason with us?

There’s no sign visible on the surrounding image and also, Streetview doesn’t show this sign. I reject such suggestions, the location can’t be proofed.

Note : At times, you may not be able to view the Wayspot nomination in maps or street views if the real-world location of the nomination is inside a park or under a tree. For these cases, use your best judgment to decide whether the nomination could exist at the real-world location. You can use the submission photo and look for clues in the background to help you decide.
Niantic Wayfarer


ML does reject submissions if it can’t find them on satellite/Street View with the photos provided. However, reviewers are to do their best to place the submission in the area where it’s said to be. If we’re unsure, we can choose IDK for Accuracy and check the Location box.

I’ve done this many times for submissions that have a bad supporting photo not placing the submission, as well as not being on satellite/Street View, after fully reviewing everything presented. In this case, it’s clear that the trail exists, the signs seem to be quite new, thus not on Street View (can possibly see it on satellite), so I would choose IDK on Accuracy for Location. I’ve circled where the sign may be in red below:

The spot not beeing on the second image and not beeing on Streetview is an indicator for fake, even if a similar spot is available. On the first image there’s a blue marker on the ground, you can’t even find this anywhere. So it’s a 50/50 decision and rejecting is the better option than accepting a fake stop. If the spot is on the second image, it is easier to accept the spot at the given position.

Rejection is not the better option for this case; IDK on Accuracy is better. It’s there, as it’s on satellite view, not Street View, and the submitter just provided a poor supporting photo, but it still shows the surrounding area, and the sign can still be placed at an accurate location on satellite view.

Assuming everything that can’t be located with all the information provided is a fake or at an inaccurate location could hurt the submitter, as they could receive an abuse warning or ban that isn’t warranted, and as a reviewer, it may impact your rating negatively or you may get a cooldown period applied; you could even get an abuse warning/ban for this review behavior.

Keep in mind that the wording when submitting Wayspots in PoGo tell you to submit a supporting photo showing the surrounding area, not the place being submitting INCLUDED IN the surrounding area. This is why many new Wayfarers in PoGo submit supporting photos like the one the OP provided.

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It’s getting a bit off-topic, but submitter often complain about things take very long, they often just want to have a stop, because nothing is to find in the area. We do our best for the game to get spots in. Submitters can help us with good submissions. You want to have the spot, put quality in it. Good and clear photos, titles, map positions, A good text why it should be a spot, where to find it, whats around it. That’s all. No one tells you how to do it, you’re free in this with the options you have. Have a look at this guide: Top Mistakes Made When Nominating, and How to Avoid Them

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This OP is not complaining at all about wanting a Wayspot; they are wanting to know why their nomination was rejected. You are assuming way too much here. I don’t think most submitters “just want a stop,” they want to be active in the creation of the Lightship map, once they get more info about it.

If you do not have anything helpful and constructive for the OP, you may want to start a separate topic in regards to this. We are trying to help the OP with their rejected nomination, not discourage them.


Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for all the helpful responses—I’m gathering some great information. To clarify, the submission spot is indeed a real location. The initial picture was taken close up because there was trash around the area from a previous event, which affected the shot. I should have waited for a better opportunity to capture it. Along with a better secondary picture.

There was a suggestion to resubmit with a different title and a better picture. However, after considering some of your feedback, it seems that even if I do resubmit, the location might still not be accepted due to the existing wayfare spot and the S3 cell restriction.

Here is a picture of the submission but it only says various reaction criteria as the rejected reason.

So, it was voted on by the community, and it was rejected for more than one reason. It could have been rejected as a duplicate, for a low quality main photo, or even inaccurate location. Those would be my top 3 reasons.

It may still be accepted, but there’s no guarantee that it’ll be in any game. What we are doing as Wayfarers are building the Lightship map, not creating stops/gyms, portals, or other game play locations for any Niantic game.

Whether or not there are Wayspots in an existing cell doesn’t decide whether something is accepted or not. I submitted some war memorial stones at a public plaza back in June, and all were accepted. However, only 1 of the 4 stones is a stop in PoGo, but all are on the Lightship map.

Lightship can also be used by developers of other apps and games, so they could use them differently.

Photos can be cropped to better center the nomination, as well as being taken in either portrait or landscape. Taking supporting photos is best done in landscape, as you are more likely to be able to include the place being nominated with the surrounding area.

Here’s an example of a Wayspot that ML accepted for the start of a disc golf course. I made sure the sign was well placed in the main photo, and took a landscape photo showing the front of the park, the park sign (which has a Wayspot already) and nearby street so it can be placed if it was reviewed by the community. This Wayspot was not added to PoGo because of some existing Wayspots, but it could be in other Niantic games and is on the Lightship map.

I’m more than ok with this not having a stop/gym, as there are already plenty of Wayspots with stops/gyms at this park. My main reason for submitting it was that none of the disc golf holes have yet to be submitted, and for safety reasons, are not allowed to be. I wanted to make sure there was 1 anchor Wayspot for the disc golf course, so that if holes do get submitting in the future, they will be rejected.

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Second picture does not represent the sign so the picture could of been taken anywhere, and the picture is a little blurry