Nomination to review has same photo as existing wayspot

I continue to get nominations using the exact same photo as an existing Wayspot. I am continuing to reject under “third party photo” until instructed otherwise.


That’s a duplicate submission.


This is the official word? You want the same photo added to the wayspot? These photos are exactly the same:

Photo from review

Portal photo

Calderon Apartments Pool

I will mark this as the solution if you say that you want nominations for the same thing using the same photo marked as duplicate, even though that adds another copy of the same photo to the wayspot and goes against help instructions that Gendgi has already posted in this topic:

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This is the most vague answer to the question that you could possibly provide, did you actually read and understand the thread? It’s no wonder these confusions persist!

Please provide a proper answer with genuine clarity on if this issue is understood and how you prefer reviewers to act?

Also, what are you doing to prevent this arising in future as the system is clearly not working well and continues to cause these avoidable frustrations?

Do you really want multiples of the exact same photo added to wayspots?

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Agree. There was no doubt that this was a duplicate nomination. Just how to mark it. I am often told I am unclear, so thank you for letting me know that you understood my point.

[Edited to take out the name of the person I rely on most to point out when something I have said is unclear, just in case that comes across as a bad thing. But it is appreciated.]


It should be marked as a duplicate. I understand that it would add a duplicate photo but rejecting it for any other reason would not cascade the correct reason to the submitter. That duplicate photo can be reported for removal later, if one chooses to do so.


Thank you for the very clear answer! Do I need to post somewhere else to ask for that help information saying to reject to be corrected?

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If there was another reason for rejection, can that reason take priority over a duplicate photo? For example, the photo being confirmed 3rd party, license plate, blurry, tilted, or even a rejection within the rest of the nomination like irrelevant description, no safe pedestrian access, k12 etc.


In this case I would choose the other reason and not duplicate.

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The help pages say that exact duplicate images should be rejected. Some Wayfarers were punished for spamming the same photo during the recent challenge so clearly this rule has weight. Is the purpose of the rule to avoid having multiple identical images on the wayspot? If so, then why should such an image be allowed if added via new nomination? And now that this distinction is publicly known what’s to stop people from intentionally adding duplicate images via new submission for whatever purposes they may have? If the current help pages and rejection reasons don’t adequately cover this scenario can they be updated?


wouldn’t “third party” apply to the exact same photo as on an existing wayspot? it is a photo that has been published previously

Sounds like you’re setting the person up for a warning email on something that the guidelines I shared says to reject. That’s entrapment.

Why is this advice in contrast with the helpshift page I shared above?

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Oops meant to reply to this, not Aaron

Do you think an existing published photo on a Wayspot would qualify as third party?

Should not, technically IMO. Third party usually refers to non-Niantic platforms. But, I understand your premise.

I do not have the exact answer in legal terms. But, it may be possible (more likely) that the submitter is the same person. In this case, they would not get the correct rejection feedback.


Thank you for engaging. I just want to do what is best for Niantic, and get agreements while doing it. I don’t want someone to be able to use this method to bump up the photo score or whatever they are trying to do by submitting the exact same photo that was already approved.

That help page has guideline for new submissions as well as photo contributions. The one that asks exact duplicates to be rejected is for photo submissions.

It definitely does.

It should ideally not. Duplicating seems the most viable option given the options. If there is any other reason, it should be preferred.

Spamming submissions is an abuse and may lead to actions on their account.

So would the best option be to report the nomination in review instead of marking it duplicate?

This does not appear to be accurate.

And the full text linked to “Photo Guidelines”

I highlighted “for supporting photographs” to show that indeed this page is about new nominations, not reviewing photo contributions.