Its offical trail. Few other markers on the route
Can give multiple sites all offical websites.
Bezoekersinformatie IJsselmonde.
The trail excist for over 10 years and there are a lot old and new ones, if one is not recognizable or broken there are replaced if its reported.
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51.863276,4.627853 location
Footpad was temporarily closed like 6 months to a year… See screenshot.
They even made then a temporary adjustment to the walking trail and bycyle trail.
But its open since a few months half year…Probally the removed the arrow to cross the footbridge to go left and placed new one whit arrow straight on. And thats why its a very new one and the one before look very old.
Because this offical markers from the province Zuid-Holland you can not buy as a sticker.
Even though it may be an official trail marker sign, it’s difficult for a reviewer to see it as a permanent trail marker. This goes to the historical abuse that has been seen by reviewers who will probably treat all sticker based trail markers as temporary or fake.
Went true niantic voting and a appeal. Not communtie review
Niantic voting (whether it be Human intervention or ML) will use the same thought process. The appeal review is usually done by people.
Yes but me oldest and newest nomination all get the niantic symbol. And went true a voting whit 1 hour, after it there was not one nomination left
Also many accepted! Many Footbridges rejected dont go even try appeal… even if its the only accces to the swimming beach,
But this offical trail marker are legit, and many are accepted from wandelnetwerkroute ijsselmonde Provincie Zuid-Holland.
Niantic have introduced Machine Learning based reviewing. I don’t quite understand the mechanics behind it, and honestly I don’t want or need to. It is possible for you to get 100’s of rejections within minutes if the ML picks up something that it believes to be rejectable. And remember, a ML rejection isn’t a perfect rejection. Yesterday I submitted a title edit and within a short period of time (within an hour or two), it was rejected (quite rightly too).
Yes the ML is pretty good. Only natural features like a bench whit a view, fishingspots get rejected fast, to much nature on it probally
But the ML is doing a great job whit accepted them now! Think the ML have readed mine post
But they think that this one is the same.
While you can see clearly that one go to soccer field. And the other not
But it took all me nominations to submit the trail markers again, so need to wait a week before submitting the rest
Ok. Ask again if you have problems, will do my best
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For your next post I’ll want to give you the tipp, that you should only post one example to discuss. To say/show “look all 2.000 noms are rejected” is ok, but to discuss improvement and not only rant, it would be better to stay focussed.
Its only about the first picture, 1 nomination.
The other ones are examples from same trail.
And yes for the double i can make a new post.