Wandelroute ijsselmonde

Its orginal trail markers. Information source:

And then the trail in the park


The bycyle trail whit the ijsselmonde wandelroute markers on the pole also where also walking trail is


How can i inprove this nominations ? In this area

Most are rejected few accepted

A couple of things. First, it seems you’ve nominated several blue pedestrian zone signs, which would just be standard infrastructure signs and not eligible.

If there is something else on these poles that are “trail markers” your photos need to more clearly focus in on those.

Secondly, while I haven’t had time to follow all of your links, the one I did just took me to a site where someone was saying how great the area is for walking and showed some routes on maps, but nothing that mentioned official trails and how the colored arrows are officially connected. Is there one with that information?


Cleary mentions in discreption its about the red arrow marker. On the yellow sticer metal plate

Here you see same route marker close up.

Ijselmonde wandelnetwerkroute provincie zuid holland

And ja what orginal site is? There are many official sites, https://www.wandelnet.nl/ you can find it here show hole netherlands here you have it on provincie zuid holland Wandelroutenetwerk - Provincie Zuid-Holland

And then you have Rondwandelingen op IJsselmonde – Natuurvereniging IJsselmonde

And to explain what ijsselmonde is its a island, yes there also a town Ijselmonde and old ijsselmonde, but its also the island

For more information about it: IJsselmonde (eiland) - Wikipedia

if you’re nominating the yellow markers… then those are terrible photos for them… they make up about 1% of the total picture… if that

Yes its nicer to see also the walking path on the waypoint instead of only the arrow. But some i did from distance and some close up.

As you can see on picture above
Most people that receive in game gift like nice picture of the area so you can see what there is to explore, then only a red arrow, and so they also can see the location better, because there is no googlemap view there. But if niantic prefer close up picture i can walk the route tomorrow again and nominate all again, or you wanna say it are not legit trail markers?
Because the dont look nice or it show to.much of the area around it? I can also not so something about it that decide it to place it on those poles whit walking sign that is commen, but its about the trail.marker under it.

Some are also on laterns, so tell me how i sall nominated them @RoIi112

Or sall i skip the legit trail markers that you can see on google.maps 10 years ago already

This is exactly the problem you’ll have with these type of trail markers. Your POI photo should be a close-up of the object that you’re submitting, in this case the small vinyl arrows. Because they lack any type of identifying information, no one will know where they are specifically since there are many of them. Your supporting information should show your POI and the surrounding area but showing the distance with the path to it makes it so it’s impossible to see what the actual point of interest is that you’re submitting because it’s too small .

I see i forget to share the supporting photo of the one close up.

Its also realy recognizable because of the yellow and red. They just as small as other route trail markers but these are bend whit the pole shape so they do appear smaller especially on the small poles .
they even added a new route whit new plastic pole add new park.

The one that get rejected lead you to these 2 markers above… and few other in between

But it seems that the oldest part of the trail have only arrow markers and new added parts have the same but whit number inside the arrow

@AliceWonder1511 here was the rest :sweat_smile: then i made appeal and then i made new topic whit just 1 nomination.

Oh thanks to bringing me over here :smile:
But you said this thread here isn’t “open” anymore, right?
I’m looking if something is already unanswered …

Think i pressed per accident one the solution
button. But i used all me nominations to submit the trail again.
Some already accepted whitin 12 hours.

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Approved by the AI, no doubt.

Now wait and see if they’re not almost immediately removed again by someone from Niantic. Kept happening to my sticker trail marker submissions.


Yes we will see.
ML is better and follow strict rules.
Communitie is all more opinions, and basic rules. Like if the see a sticker rejected :sweat_smile:

But how is the situation now? Removed or restored? Kind of wanna see how that trail markers look!

Removed over and over again.

Trail markers whit only arrows are very hard. I dont even try submit those anymore… many also rejected by ML whit only arrows