One of portal disappered

Its was a fight for a portal for couple of week [mod edit removal] and its 3days already as portal gone! Similar portals are still in place, so expecting him do a report for such portal and it was removed for no right reason!

  • Wayspot Title: Ravensbourne Avenue Victorian Sink Pipe
  • Location (lat/lon): 51.408721, -0.001473 (
  • City: Bromley (South part of London)
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information: you could still see this Sink Pipe on google maps: Google Maps as well will add fresh photos as evidence its still there:

Please restore my portal back and ban player who did report on it. I am living in front of it and nobody else could miss report of it as a property owner. Thanks!

Mod edit to remove player name


“My portal”. Uh. No.

Is this a sewer vent pipe!? What is it and what criteria does it meet? From what you have shown us, it appears to have been correctly removed.

“My portal” because it show me as an owner, and its not my definition, but by game :slight_smile:

I have 7 more such pipes on this street, and about 20+ more in the area, they are unique, historical, cleary visible, and easy accessible, why they should be removed?

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Hello, I found these pipes interesting, give me a brief synopsis about them and why they are there.

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Maybe it’s me. I’m not getting it. It’s a sewer vent pipe.

I don’t get how that’s historical. I don’t get how one is “unique” from any other? It’s clearly visible but so is a street light pole and a traffic light. Is this one of the odd UK cultural things we just don’t understand? If I was reviewing it locally, I’d reject without a second thought and move on.


I had to look them up. They’re there to vent gas from the sewers below as I understand it. Where I am there is less obvious infrastructure to handle the same issue. I’m presuming this particular one is old, given the claim that it’s historical.


A bit of explanation what are they: The Other Underground Network – Mapping London

Some more photos from Bromley: Local Stink Pipes


You see savage network is old, some pipes was damaged or broken and replaced different time so they look a bit different all time :slight_smile: but there for a purpouse and not “just a pipe stucking from the ground” god bless they dont stink these days :smile: but its important to keep them. People usualy dont even look at them as dont know what is what and its look “regular” or like lamp post, but if you walk (even by google walk map) you could easy spot them, and then you know they exist its easy to map them.

It is not correctly removed, there are many portals like this all over this city, they have been widely accepted as valid portals. Some are disguised as wind vanes, some were used as posts for air raid sirens during the war and some are more simple like this one but local councils preserve them as items of historic interest which is why they haven’t been replaced by something more modern looking.

However, it’s really not reasonable to expect a long history post here to justify something which is commonly accepted as a portal in London.

**Mod Edit to remove reference not related to the actual object


Having “many portals like this all over the city” does not mean they are eligible. I think it is a reasonable question to ask what criteria it meets to help strengthen the appeal to request it be reinstated since we don’t know why it was removed. I think any information you supply on how this meets criteria could help staff with the appeal.

You are correct that you do not need to answer any of our questions.

Accusations of being removed by an opposing team member do not help an appeal. If you feel that someone is weaponizing Wayfarer, that should be reported via the Reporting Abuse form at the top or through help chat. [Edited to add “with evidence.”]


Whether a stink pipe meets the removal criteria is different from whether one would be eligible now in review.

I think it’s best left to the wayfarer team

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I’m not the person who originally posted, I’m just trying to explain that there are many of these portals all over London and they have always been accepted as valid before. Since they are all pretty much the same, if this one isn’t valid than hundreds of other portals aren’t valid either And I really don’t think that’s the case.

I’ve never appealed a portal removal so I don’t know whether it’s “rules relevant” that two players were competing to control this portal right before its removal but it certainly seems “common sense relevant” to me. I appreciate that those may be two very different things!


It’s not relevant to the decision as to whether this object should be in the wayfarer database or not.

These stinkpipes are typically from the Victorian era, and are part of the industrial and social history of the area. Some of them are “listed” (i.e. on a historical register). Many of them have been removed, so in some places they can be quite rare. In the UK they are commonly accepted as wayspots, a bit like old post boxes.

I’ve had several accepted without many issues, the main problem is trying to photograph them as they are very tall and thin if you try to include the whole thing.

Mind you, if there are eight on the same road then I think that’s pushing the boundaries of distinctiveness. In the large village I live in, there are exactly two so usually they are not that common.


People are looking at this from the wrong perspective.

The portal was removed by known wayfarer abusers with similar sounding names who have been abusing wayfarer to remove valid portals of the other faction for some time.

Its time Niantic looked at and took seriously this abuse of the system & harassment of their enemies via wayfarer.

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“Similar sounding names”? What could you mean? :wink:

If anyone wishes to cite a case that certain people are acting maliciously then the relevant route to ask the wayfarer team to investigate is by using this link

(Also available at the top of this forum).
Provide as much evidence as you can about various incidents.

This area of the forum is for considering the actual wayspot and whether it should be reinstated.


There are a few in Derby UK that are portals in ingress

They may or may not be in use today but the poles are still there visible to anyone.

I haven’t smelt them working.

Perhaps they are Victorian or around that time.

Thanks for the appeal, @Kvarkas. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspot