Outdated Millitary Zones

So i’m playing PoGo and in january we moved to a new home. We’re living in the town of Mannheim, Germany and because of our history there where some Barracks of the US Military Army. They left a few years ago and the Barracks were rebuild by the Community of the City. One of them Zones was even a part of the Bundesgartenschau 2023, a german Event for more green citys and tourism. There are a lot of Pokestops and Arenas, but on the whole place, there is not even one Pokespawn. My guess is, that there still is a Military Zone blocking the Spawns.

My Problem is, that this is a wild guess, no one even knows how to report it. What should I do? Here are some of the Locations that where former Military Barracks:
Spinelli : 49°30’10.6"N 8°31’06.5"E
Franklyn: 49°31’08.8"N 8°31’38.9"E
Turley: 49°30’12.2"N 8°29’33.9"E
Taylor: 49°30’48.8"N 8°33’11.8"E

How do I get anyone to look at them? The soldiers left 2011. You can get Infos about it on: Konversionsflächen | Mannheim.de

Pls help us


This is the Wayfarer Forum and as such the staff here has very limited ability to help you with queries outside of their department. Problems unrelated to Wayfarer usually don’t belong here for this reason.

The reason your spawns are blocked is, that on Open Street Map, the old data Niantic uses still has these areas tagged as military areas.

A Pokémon GO Community Ambassador might have more chances to get this problem across.
There isn’t really a list of people or anything so good luck finding those. You can try reaching out to PoGO Youtuber ChaosLady, she knows a bunch of people.

Historically, players with such a problem had to scream so loud into the void of Niantics and Pokémon GOs support channels, and make news articles about this, that someone finally corrected it.

However, in any case like this, they can only correct it if the current data in Mannheim is now correct. So you’d also need to check out the current state in Open Street Mal and might even need to submit requests to correct the area there.

If there is a local Pokémon GO group on Campfire, you may have luck finding a Community Ambassador there. They should be marked as such, and may be able to pass on the request for you.

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