Hello! I was just wondering what are the rules in regards to parking lots with official signs?
or entrance signs that are interesting designs?
In my area, there were a few parking lots approved and live in-game, one for a parking lot with an interesting designed sign for the entrance to the sports arena.
The others are downtown areas with POI’s of the parking lot signs with the name of the lot.
Am I wrong to assume these probably should have never been approved in the first place aside from the sculpture like one?
Without seeing the stops it’s hard to give what would, at best, be my opinion. But based on what you have said, I may have approved the “sculpture like” one and rejected the others.
Parking lots and parking garages are considered infrastructure, so on their own they don’t qualify; they are pretty generic and meant to be a place to park your car while going somewhere else. If there is something else within the parking area, like unique signage or art pieces, those may be eligible. A sign noting it’s for parking I wouldn’t consider eligible; if that was the case, I think we’d see a lot of parking lots/garages with Wayspots, but it’s not something I see.
For example, a shopping plaza sign in a parking lot may be eligible, as long as there is safe pedestrian access, as the sign represents the plaza as being a place to explore, be social at, and maybe get some exercise.
If you do have examples of what you’re seeing as Wayspots, we can certainly take a look and determine if they are eligible.
Always go back to the 3 criteria - a great place to:
- Exercise
- Explore
- Be social
I don’t see how a parking lot meets any of those.