I do not understand why this nomination was rejected. It is located in a condominium, completely safe, and designed for children’s use, therefore it meets the criteria to become a Wayspot.
You can’t appeal rejected nominations here. You need to use the appeal button within wayfarer itself. As it isn’t currently appearing on your nomination, this indicates you’ve used your two appeals recently, and you’ll need to wait until it’s been 20 days since you used the first one before you’ll be able to appeal this one.
Reasons for rejection are private residences and sensitive locations. You are correct that the common areas of an apartment complex do not fall under the rejection criteria related to location, such as private residences. This is due to the reviewer’s ignorance. However, there is something you should be aware of. I have checked the street view and aerial photo of that nomination and could not locate the playground equipment because the housing complex is under construction. I believe the location you are designating is the terrace area on the second floor. Since you have not attached any supplemental information and supplemental images, I am unable to find the details of the nomination, but please provide a description of where the playground equipment is located, as well as supplemental information and supplemental photos to make it clearer to reviewers. In particular, please include that playground equipment in the supplemental photo and be creative in what you include in the background so that the surroundings are clearly visible.
The next time you seek such advice, please post it in the Nomination Support category.
Thank you for the suggestions. The satellite image is outdated. I will follow these recommendations in the appeal or in a new nomination. I will make sure to address all the points mentioned.