Pokémon cell map

Could anyone please show me the cell map of this park, just looking where I could possible add stops into Pokémon go

Thank you

I want to remind you to place Wayspots where they are. Do not misplace them just to be in a free cell.

Mod Edit: Removed part of the phrase to prevent potential misinterpretation.
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That’s an incredible rude message, I’m not trying to misplace anything I was looking for help to decide which to nominate next for it to be added for everyone to enjoy

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First, be sure you are using this to find things that actually exist in empty cells. Some people have misunderstood and tried to pin in an empty cell, so I want to be clear when I share this. The map is iitc with a pogotools overlay if you want to search how to get it for yourself:

The red pin is at the coordinates you gave.

It is hard to guess how close in will be useful. You will probably want to set this up for yourself if you get really into Wayfarer. I am unable to explain how to do this, but the folks at the Wayfarer Discussion Discord can help if needed. They are not an official Niantic group. A link to that discord server can be found at wayfarer.tools if you need it.


Thank you for your help very much appreciated

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Wasn’t intended to be rude. Just a general reminder.


I thought this might useful even although there are no cell lines as it shows what is in the database.

Can you help. There appears to be a duplicate at the tiny forest just a few metres apart

Which ever one isn’t in Pokémon go needs removing.

fwiw, i also often will include this message when i post about cells so that i don’t get misquoted by other users coming upon the message out of context. you would not believe the number of times people have said to me “but you told me to put it in an empty cell!” when what i actually said was to find something that exists in an empty cell. you are obviously on here trying to do things right!

Neither is in Pokémon go, I would probably remove the one before the trees grew as it’s the oldest, I have no idea how to do it though

If something doesn’t exist you can use one of the reports linked at the top here to let Niantic know it should be removed. I find the “Reporting Abuse” form easier to use, and Niantic has said that it won’t get anyone in trouble just because that form was used. Others prefer to use the “Wayspot Removals” form. That one asks you to be the property owner, but you can say that you aren’t. And then ignore the automated email that will ask for proof you are the property owner. In my experience, if you make the mistake of replying to that email, the ticket won’t go anywhere. But it does get results if you ignore it.


We have reviewed the reported Wayspots and have decided to retire the duplicate Wayspots in question.


Submit everything that qualifies according to the rules, regardless of the cell map.

Tomorrow your Pogo might change the system by which locations appear in your game and suddenly you will have a lot less of them. But if there are a lot more candidates that can go live you won’t have this problem.

Also other games use different criteria for what shows up in their maps, so if you are putting in the effort, might as well help others.

Submit everything that qualifies.