Pokeparada georgalos

Hola como están quisiera saber cuánto hsy que esperar para ver la pokeparada que propuse ya que en la zona no hay y es necesaria

@BlameJamal would love to help you with that answer


Quien acepta o bien quién aprueba las propuestas??

There is no set timeframe for how long a nomination takes to be resolved. It can depends on a number of factors such as:

  • Number of local reviewers
  • Size of the local queue
  • Other unresolved nominations close by
  • Quality of your nomination
  • Wether you have applied an upgrade or not

Your nominations will first go through Emily (a machine learning tool) who can accept/reject your nominations. If Emily is unable to make a determination it will then be passed onto other members of the Wayfarer community for review or in some cases Niantic’s own internal review team.

If your nomination is accepted it will usually appear in game within 48hrs, however this assumes that it meets the gameboard rules. Each Niantic game has it own unique rules that determine what wayspots are used in game and those that aren’t.


Perfecto muchísimas gracias por la aclaración