Pokestop Incorrect

Hello, a stop by me was changed as a coffee shop transitioned from one owner to another. While that was happening a business across the street changed it to their place of business. Now that business is gone and I can’t switch it back to the coffee shop. Every attempt gets rejected. Even funnier is the marker is still on the original business which is across the street from what it says it is. What can I do to fix this stop

Welcome to the forum, @mikeyboyhelper

I am not sure I follow you. Trying to change a Wayspot to something else is considered repurposing, which is not allowed. So don’t try to change the Wayspot to the business that is there.

You can do a location edit that you can’t do in game through help chat on the Wayfarer site Niantic Wayfarer

A speech bubble will pop up and a bot will get the information but a human will get back to you with a decision.

If the business that the Wayspot is for does not exist, you should report that Wayspot for removal. If the business that is there is eligible, you can submit that as a new nomination.

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Yeah, the problem being is it was repurposed already and it shouldn’t have been. I’m trying to correct it to its original name/picture/etc but of course I can’t. How the heck did they do it? I’m scared to remove the stop because there’s a gym pretty close to it and I’d hate to cause the neighborhood to loose another stop on our hilltop.