Pokestop not in game. Unique cell

Hello, I feel like I got this pokestop just below the cell lines, placing it in its own unique cell. However, it has still not shown up in game after 3 days. Please help me understand what I messed up.

The exact spot should be the southeast corner of the basketball court which is in its own cell.

You note it’s a “unique” cell, by which I assume you mean you believe it doesn’t have an existing PokéStop in?

It does. The red marker is the coordinates of “Woodbridge Basketball Court”. I’ve highlighted “Woodridge Community Playground” which is the Wayspot that’s become a PokéStop for that cell.

It’s possible it was accidentally misplaced when you submitted it and reviewers moved it, or your guess at cells was off?

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Are we allowed to talk about cells in here?

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Niantic has not been removing mention of S2 cells on the forum. This is fantastic imo, because we can help with some of the frustration for Pokemon Go submitters. This comes with the responsibility to only use, not abuse, this knowledge.


Someone must have moved it up a bit or something. I had it placed south of the furthest south piece of concrete. Thanks for showing me your version of the cell. My IITC app doesn’t look as good as that.

Sorry for mentioning cells if I wasn’t supposed to.

What program are you guys using to get that view? Seems to be more accurate than IITC.

With PowerStops in the game, these little POIs with no home, now can potentially have a home. My go to cell viewer is www.Pogomap.info, but recently I have either not needed to be “careful” with placement OR jump place the marker on the visible object from the satellite view. Tennis or Basketball courts, i always try and place out the way of potential game ruining scenarios, at one of the corners or at the side of the arena/ pitch.

Good Luck

That is a screenshot from IITC as well.

The red marker just shows the location that was searched for, which would be the coordinates of where the wayspot has been approved.

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