Pokestop rejection

My pokestop was rejected because it was a duplicate but it was not how can this be fixed. It does fit all the requirements

When nominating on location via Pokémon go, you can toggle on display of nearby wayspots which aren’t in game. Are you sure there wasn’t a duplicate that doesn’t show in pogo?

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Are you sure it is not a duplicate? In pokemon go you can toggle on a check for duplicates in the nomination map screen. But it only works when you are right there. The range is not very far.

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Thanks it was but why isn’t it in Pokémon go when it was on the map

Pokémon go’s inclusion rules only allow one pokething in a given level 17 s2 cell.

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Weird as I see many areas have second pokes top right on top of each other, in fact there are two places in my town where there are 3 pokes tops I er lapping each other

Sometimes if the cells line up perfectly, that can happen naturally. Sponsored locations can also bend the rules.

Otherwise, it’s usually the result of old location edits, which didn’t used to get checked against the proximity rules (but do now). Niantic will clear up clusters that were created through edit abuse if they are told about them.

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