Pokestop report rejection/incorrect location

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life, to help us out.
The pokestop is located over a Gazebo that has been approved by the community but this nomination is in the wrong location, off by 200ft I have reported this pokestop for location incorrectness but was met with a rejected notice . I have also captured a 360 view of the park so the community can use the street view feature to assess the location. Any feed back as to what I’m doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated.

  • Wayspot Title: Alpine Township Sports Complex pickle ball court

  • Location (lat/lon):

  • Pokestop location: 43.048733, -85.716195

  • Actual location: 43.049295, -85.716385

  • City: Grand Rapids, Michigan

  • Country: USA

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

You can request moves via help chat from the wayfarer website on the Help pages.


where can I find this chat?

Bottom right Niantic Wayfarer


I answered the other place you mentioned this issue. Like NvlblNm said go to the Help page on the Wayfarer website: Niantic Wayfarer

A text bubble pops up where you can give all this information.


Perfect Thank you!! have submitted the information and a ticket has been created. Thanks again for the rapid responses :grinning: