I live in a place where the Camino de Santiago, where the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, runs. There are several signposts along the way. I have two working as pokestops, but the others are rejected because they don’t fulfil the admissible criteria. How can this happen?
Since this is literally a world famous trail, i think we should help you if we can.
Please post screenshots of one of your rejected submissions so we can see your photo, title, description, pin locarion, 2nd photo, and additional information. You may have included some word or phrase that you don’t realize is not allowed. Or maybe your photo needs to be improved.
Yes - maybe automation, or a person a continent away, thought they were ordinary boring trail markers.
But from what I hear, thousands a year walk that trail, and leave beads and other mementos at every sign and sometimes rocks. It’s all very meaningful and explore-worthy. Social too - every pilgrim I know, who’s walked even part of the trail, made friends along the route.
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