This is an older rejection. “Other rejection criteria” means it does not meet any of the three eligibility criteria. I have to say, from the submission, I would have probably voted the same. It’s on the submitter to describe how the spot meets any one of the three criteria: a great place to exercise, to explore or to socialize. I assume you would be going for socialize, but your description focuses on the products they offer, not why it should be eligible.
I can be swayed with food drink places I’d like to try. But I agree for best results @Leedle95 is correct!
The K-1 was like a week or so ago. The Sly Fox a couple of years. The Department Store was a month ago. I have another one, a BBQ place down the street from Chip & JoAnna Gaines Silos in Waco, Tx that was a couple of weeks ago. It’s considered one of the top BBQ places in the state! I can post that rejection here too if you’d like. It’s just so frustrating and annoying.
Yeah, sorry, I was specifically replying to the Sly Fox.
Not a duplicate, still no Pokestop there. I’m almost done with this! There’s gotta be a better way.
Id get a photo that represents the business. Your photo there of the mascot for an ancoholic beverage has 0 to do with the rest of your nomination.
It could be a wayspot that is just not eligible for Pokémon Go.
I’d suggest moving your nominations over to Nomination Support so we can dig in and give you tailored advice.
I think I’ll go and suggest to delete every one of those rocks in every park and every random Pokestop and they’ll be literally nothing left to play with in our city because nothing will get approved anymore.
Honestly, if you are having challenges, I recommend posting your submissions here and asking for feedback before sending them. As a professional who has to write a lot, I find a critical eye from colleagues always improves the work. That, and there are many very experienced wayfarers here who are very helpful.
Dont let your intrusive thiughts get to you. This wont end well if you go ahead with that.
I don’t go to a rock to socialize or a graveyard or a park bench etc… so it doesn’t add up
I know it’s frustrating, but you can do this. There may be some suggestions we can make. Think of it as tips and tricks that can tip the scale
Socialize is only one of the three criteria, a waypoint doesn’t need to meet all three.
Also, on K-1 I did say that people got together for raid battles there, that they had good music etc. so to me that says socialize, I don’t know what people say about cemeteries etc to get them nominated.
No worries!
Raid battles is irrelevant information. People will gather anywhere theres a gym for raid battles.
But don’t you think it’s a given that coffee places etc are a social spot.People go there and buy, sit and drink and talk over coffee. I see so many spots that are random, I didn’t know that a place needed a huge build up now to get a Pokestop.
There are so many things that can be eligible there are bound to be some that one person really likes and enjoys and another person just finds them a waste of space.
And when we become annoyed, because things are not turning out well, the frustration just grows. We are human and we want to blame someone or something.
Try to focus on the part you can influence and that is how you present this particular wayspot. People here are happy to do that with you as it is useful to see things through someone else’s eyes…because that is how it will be assessed. Any points made will be trying to help
If you dont feel like doing that now take a little time away and ten come back to it.
It doesn’t need a huge buisld up, it needs the right build up. And the right photo is a big factor in that build up.
I’m sure it does absolutely no good to complain here. But it does let others know that they’re not alone in this situation. Thanks anyway. Rant over. lol