Proofreading help and opinions?

Any ideas on why this description edit would not be accepted? I wanted to give a more accurate and interesting description of the waypoint. I thought the original description was unhelpful and bland. It is not “accessible to all” (there are a couple actual accessible-friendly parks in the area, but this is not one of them, so I felt that statement was misleading); it says it is newly built which while true now will not be true in the future.

Is there something I can do to improve my edit submission and try again? Or worth appealing? Or just leave it as is and not bother trying to edit?

I don’t know anyone who understands how ML is evaluating description and title edits. It failed me recently on a title edit and I’m just not going to bother trying to get the right title in. I already spend hours of my life on Wayfarer, I can’t give the system any more.

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The email says “the community” so I assumed it was rejected by reviewers, unless something has changed. But that’s not to say if I did resubmit that that version wouldn’t go to ML, so who can say, lol.

Maybe it was rejected due to people selecting the “neither” option? Or… I don’t know. :sweat_smile:

Yes, the reviewers rejected it, not the community.

I’m in a similar situation with a park playground having the wrong name of the park in both title and description. I had submitted 4 new Wayspots with the correct park name in it, as well as title/description edits for the outdoor ice rink and playground. ML accepted all but the edits for the playground, which the community rejected.

Now, one of the issues that I can see the community having is that Google Maps in satellite view has the park named wrong. Unfortunately, it views the name as more of a neighborhood name, not a park, so it can’t be edited by a regular user. I did contact the city’s parks and rec dept to correct it, but haven’t heard back from them. Street View isn’t an issue, as it shows the correct park name on the sign, which is the main Wayspot for the park.

So, I resubmitted the title/description edits, and being this is a rural area, they are still in voting, and have been for about a month now. I don’t know why ML didn’t accept them the 2nd time around, especially since it accepted the 4 new Wayspots and other title/description edits without issue.

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I think the words “playground” and “Dry Creek” is preferred despite the typo and “newly” as it reflects the current title. Can’t see any more context other than what is provided.

Try incorporating those two in your description?

Thanks for attempting to omit the “newly” part btw.

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Thanks for your thoughts! Yeah incorporating the name and such would be a good idea.

I had submitted several photos to add to the waypoint, all of which were accepted immediately, while this description edit took almost a month. Not that reviewers can see all those on an edit nomination they’re reviewing, but one of the photos did end up becoming the main photo (from in game thumbs ups I guess? idk), which shows more of the playground than the original photo did.