I’d previously submitted this Little Free Library but it was rejected for having bad photos and watermarks. Since you can’t edit the photos in a submission I went back and took new photos, but this time it was rejected with the reason ‘Wayfarer Criteria’. According to the Little Free Library post, this LFL should meet the criteria:
Little Free Libraries with safe access on sidewalks outside of apartment buildings or on municipal or communal property are eligible.
Is there other criteria that I’m running afoul of?
Welcome to the forum!
Did you use the exact same text to submit as the rejected one? I have been told that can make the system reject it. I think that happens almost immediately.
Also my eyes aren’t great, but the photo is looking grainy to me. Can you post the main photo?
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Rejection Criteria “Wayfarer criteria” means it was rejected by Niantic’s AI.
If it had been rejected by humans, I would speculate that, from satellite, it looks potentially over the tree line, into private property. But I don’t think AI is able to detect that. But OTOH we don’t know what Machine Learning is learning.
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We actually just had one reported to the Wayfarer Discussion Discord that was seen “Under review” and was rejected for “Wayfarer criteria” so I am wondering if the human team can use that reason now.
If it was rejected 24 hours after submitting, I would still bank on the ML model rejecting it.
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Hmmm. I like this… Some thoughts… On how I might of written it. Some will disagree or have other ideas.
Title. Hilliard Green Little Free Library
Description. Read a book. Share a book. Feeding the minds of passing park goers with this book exchange box. Perfectly placed for reading in the park or taking home.
Supporting: Place to Explore. Publicly accessible Little Free Library in Community Park. Easily seen in Google Street View … Little Free Library official map. Click search and enter Hilliard Green Park. Office LFL map will show same location as Google. Little Free Library
Have to say Google Street View has a way better view. The snow is hiding the footpath! Just saying. And in supporting photo you cannot see if people walking too and from the box. People look for little things 
I would go again. And if it fails then. Appeal and point to street view and official LFL website map
Hey when you submit? Do you do on spot or submit later. I write basic text. I submit later. Get home. Log into wayfarer. Upload and refresh noms. If Emily (the ML) has grabbed it - the basic text may work. If Emily does not grab it straight away. Open and put on hold. Now edit your text at will. Note I also sometimes take photos first (outside of the game I am playing) and edit/crop and then add photo when making the nomination.
Good luck. I think with a bit of work this is a goer!!! @Wulfhart
Thanks everyone.
@MargariteDVille thats the thing, it’s a public park, even if it was in the tree line…
@cyndiepooh here is the main photo… i used similar text but it wasnt exactly the same
@TheDoctorBird thanks… I didnt know I could catch it before it gets grabbed if I was on a PC versus my phone… I’m still pretty new to it so I always just submit on the spot while I am driving around… so you think I should try a third time but hold on to it until I get home and be ready to ‘pull it back’ for clean up? I’m guessing an appeal would have to squeak by the AI too?
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An appeal would go to a human reviewer. You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again.
I like to try to figure out what may have caused the rejection before I resubmit or appeal. The photo is still looking grainy to me. Was this really zoomed in from the supporting photo?
If this is what you did, then I think I would try resubmitting with a new photo taken from closer. But you could try appealing.
It was zoomed in from my car… it was -1 outside lol… I’ll be by there this weekend for a showcase drop so I can retake it now that it will be in the 50s
Totally @Wulfhart Do the submit later once home… Just remember to have your basic text done. And nail those photos. Only submit once you are logged into wayfarer and have contributions open. It sometimes does not appear straight away. Just refresh every minute.
Weather permitting. if you can walk closer. get lower see if you can get some blue sky in. Aesthetics go a long way. I often take photos on phone first and find what looks like they will work. Crop to centre a bit better. Then open game and use photos from gallery. That helps.
50s. I was like so hot. Then I remember you are in the US. We are cool today with a 25 c…
Good luck. Let us know how it goes