QR code crossword trail

Could this trail get accepted. You basically have to go around the park and find different QR codes that take you to a google search of an animal and than you write that aninal down in your crossword. You could get a map with hints to where the markers are for 50p if you wanted to make it easier.

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imo these are very similar to orienteering course markers. i think these markers provide a fun activity that encourages folks to explore the park, and believe i would submit and accept them. especially with a permanent map available.


If you have 50p of coins on you that is.

IMO this is very similar to orienteering markersā€¦ where providing a map of each one is pretty much cheating and ruins the game.

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The sponsor is offering to ruin the game for 50p?

at a cost with full disclosureā€¦ getting a game ruined involuntarily is a different story

I would say it makes the game more fun as you have to use your mapping skills to find where they are, I would imagine thatā€™s more fun than walking around like a headless chicken. I doubt that the map gives you the precise location of the markers aswell, itā€™ll probably be a map with each square lettered or numbered and they give you hints like ā€˜fenceā€™ or the square letter or number so you still have to do some exploring around.

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I think that the ā€œ3D moving image of an animalā€ sounds like a fun thing to discover, whether you are doing the crossword or not. And ā€œspoiler warningā€ isnā€™t a rejection reason, to quote a discussion on WDD about orienteering markers. And I guess it is up to you whether to try it or not, but at least you got opinions from both sides.


If thats what you voluntarily sugn yo for, sure. But thats not whatā€™s happening, you go in with an expectency of doing something a certain way and having the answers in pogo alters that.

I would accept this one. This encourages walking through the place and the hope is that new comers will be intrigued enough to scan the QR code.


Because you are forced to consult your Niantic app after you discover the QR-code game?



Isnt everyone here? :sweat_smile:

I would accept this. It looks great for both exercise and exploring.


Yes! That sounds so interesting.

Maybe you could honor Rolis thought and nominate not all of them :face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink:

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46 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts from QR crossword

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Given that this topic veered off course I have split the topic so that it will return to its original subject.
It would be helpful if everyone took the time to reflect and avoided posting comments in a similar vein.

Edit to clarify
My apologies I was not clear.
The split section has been hidden as in my opinion the discussion had become unconstructive.

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Iā€™d be tempted to mark it as not distinct because there are lots of them, however the first clue in the trail would probably be valid. I think the analogy with orienteering markers is fair, people have a split opinion on those.