So i got a rejection of a trail marker for a geritage trail rejected for “being a normal marker”??? Its a heritage trail, what abojt that is normal?
I have troubke getting these accepted as they look temporary, but this is the first time ive had it rejected on appeal and its genuinely such a bad reason. Do niantic staff on this forum still look at bad appeal decisions?
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They can clarify a proper reason as to why I believe, I’ll @ them for you if its not too much of a bother for them.
Still new here, so I’m getting the hang of things.
Hey, @NianticAaron @NianticLC @NianticAtlas , I do not know how to explain this. Could you attempt to sum it up for them?
This looks to be in front of private property from the supporting photo, so I do wonder if that was one of the original reasons it was rejected.
It certainly isn’t a normal sign, as it’s a unique QR code to more info about the history of the area, and you even provided the website in your supporting info. QR code trail signs are becoming more popular; there are even some where I live that give more info on the history of the area and the subject matter.
Its to thenedge of the private property. The bit its in front of i dont believ is in use for prp, i think its a museum i didnt submit jt though as it still said school, even though its not a school anymore, but i know what people are like lol
Hmm, ok. My other thought was the photo for the sign, but it’s not that easy to take photos of QR codes, unless you make sure to take the scanning function off. I can also see someone thinking it isn’t permanent, but the link proves that to be incorrect, plus the mounting for the sign look pretty strong.
Hopefully staff will take another look at this for you, especially since you’ve gotten others approved on appeal.
Appeal has now been accepted, thank you niantic staff 
Got a new complaint
Clearly not a “mass produced way marker” or whatever jt said, its a trail marker round a loch and nature reserve
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Its been overturned now, thanks to whoever on the staff gave ut a second look