Query if there is a gym that can appear in this area

I have a general query as to if there is any chance that there could be a gym in this area as it has near 5 pois .
Location : 17.4793862, 78.4953963

Yes by adding somewhere between 6-10 Wayspots in the surrounding area.

More 6-10?

Current stops

IITC doesn’t show everything.

You’ll definitely need at most 9 new Wayspots.

In game you can probably see Bon Cheruvu and AJ Furnitures they don’t show on IITC, maybe a few others too.

If there are any sponsored gyms in the L14, those can count towards the max you can create there. Otherwise, you get gyms at 2, 6, and 20 poke things in the L14 cell. You can’t create more than 3 gyms in the same L14, but there could be more with exceptions. There may be poke things that do not show as portals, but I marked all the cells that definitely have something in them.

This shows why

There are only 2 gyms in this s14 cell

Okay that is what the portal count suggests you should have.

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I got the new gym but it’s seen senseless it appeared in the area that has 6 gyms already and just one pokestop doesn’t make sense what so ever 17.4756960, 78.4972180 cordinates of new gym

I did not try to look up the other gym on campfire this time, but this is the L14 S2 cell that gym is in. You should have one other gym in this yellow area.

This discussion about Pokemon Go mechanics instead of Wayfarer, and I expect it to be closed soon.

Editing this post to add that I used iitc to check portals because I can show the S2 overlay on it to show the range of the L14 cell that determines gyms. The discussion was not closed, and later posts show there are many more Wayspots in this area that do not show in Ingress, so are not showing on this map. There very well could be three gyms in this area already.

First it’s appropriate to duplicate posts or to flag posts where you simply don’t like the answer.
You need to understand how Pokémon Go uses some mapping software to decide on the frequency of stops and gyms.

Your area has a lot of wayspots.

Those without pictures could do with some pictures adding.

My guess is that the circled area is where the gym cluster is?
There are several wayspots in different level 14 cells. The gyms could each belong to a different level 14 cell so the closeness of the gyms is possible. (I haven’t checked campfire For which are gyms just guessing)
The gym you triggered happened yto get p,aced near the others…
I understand the frustration but there is nothing that can be done The best thing is to accept the placement for what it is and enjoy tgat you created a gym.

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Yes @Ironcane07 Please spend your free time adding pictures for FoneCentral, Tyres RUs, Electronics4U ltd and BestStores

Again bro I followed the s2 cell format my major concern is that actually the gym that has been created is a duplicate waystop plus on the other hand there are no pokestops in that area thirdly there are 6 gyms already in the particular circle what I don’t get Is how does a circle with 5 gyms and just 1 pokestop become another gym instead of cells that have 4-5 empty stops around

And for this bro electronic stores and bestbuy stores get rejected in our area

Plus Tyre RUs get instantly rejected

The cell maxed out at 3 gyms in the area right? So that’s why I don’t understand how on earth did the gym pop up in the location where there are 0 waystops instead of an area where there are 10

@elijustrying showed you several adjacent L14 cells. All three gyms could be crammed into the corner of those cells and you could legitimately get 12 gyms right beside each other. There is nothing in the algorithm to spread the gyms out evenly over the L14.

Yes the Circled area is where the clist of gyms are one is Masjid-E-ibrahim the other gym is saifee Masjid and the nearly popped up gym is Ma Durga temple…

The gym that is outside the s2 cell and in another s14 cell beside it is RTC colony Sai Baba temple

Can I ask a slightly different question.
If those other gyms were not there would you be happy where the new gym is?

What about these just up the road and all in the same area bro?

A really classy picture of Dynamic Washing Systems is my ultimate Wayfarer goal. Maybe at sunset with some really nice lighting :heart_eyes:

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