Recommendations on how to improve my submission?

[Thanks, guys! Now that I understand I am trying to delete my post but it’s not letting me. lol]

Hello! I submitted my first nomination for a Pokestop yesterday, and it was denied. I made sure to look at the guidelines before submitting it, and I thought that it would be ok. Now I’m reading some of the other posts in this forum, and see that Machine Learning AI seems to approve/disapprove submissions. Is there a way I can frame this better for the AI? Or any tips you could recommend on how to word my submission, take the pics, etc.? I know this may seem like a weird place but it truly is a busy community place. lol Thanks in advance.

I’m wondering if the fact that I took one picture during the day and one at night messed something up, and/or if because the building doesn’t have the full name, I should just put “Washateria” as the title?

Here is the text of the location and description:
Melbourne Familia Washateria

This washateria has been a part of the neighborhood for years. Swing by to see a bustling community gathering place. Trainers will see a thriving neighborhood business that has been part of the community for years, if not decades. The washateria is a great place to spend some downtime with neighbors.

A launderette is not typically a great place to socialise, exercise or explore. Nominations need to be one of those things. You go here to do laundry. I’m struggling to see why you’d go there to hang out with friends. You don’t do exercise there. And would you really want to take an out-of-towner here? Probably not.

Additionally, having licence plates in your main photo is a rejection reason itself.


Yes, agree that a laundromat may not meet criteria. When I lived in an apartment without laundry facilities, I did have to go to the laundromat to wash/dry clothes, but I rarely socialized with anyone; many times I would start my wash load, then run an errand or two before drying. I’ve never exercised at one, and tend to be quite generic businesses.

Not only are license plates not allowed in the main photos, but you cannot include any game-specific terms in titles/descriptions. You included trainers in the descriptions, which is specific to PoGo. Using game-specific terms is seen as influencing reviews, which is against criteria, and can be considered abuse.

You are actually not submitting places to be stops/gyms in PoGo, but rather Wayspots for the Lightship map. All Niantic games use the Lightship map to determine their game play locations, and each use their own density rules to determine how many Wayspots are in-game. PoGo uses S2 cells, for example, and Ingress uses a 20 meter rule.

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Thank you! That makes sense.

Thanks! I understand better now.

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