The Pokémon Station was nominated as a children’s play area at Cady Park. It meets the requirements for outdoor activities and a place where people can meet. So the stated reason for the rejection is “face or body parts”, which I’m very confused about. But the main photo doesn’t say what was rejected and basically follows what they wrote. Is the rejection on the supporting photo as well? I’ve appealed but I don’t know.
@kemz9 the photos you attached were still uploading when you posted your reply so we can’t see them. So you will need edit your post to fix the photos.
Sorry this is my first time posting here, I edited it thank you
No problem, it is common mistake for newcomers to the forums.
As for your nomination I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to nominate. Are you trying to nominate an amusement centre in the shopping mall or just a specific element on the wall within?
Also your title needs some work as it doesn’t have anything to do with what you are nominating.
A specific item on the wall but I want to know if the supporting image has an effect on the rejection or not?
Having people visible in your supporting photo shouldn’t lead to that particular rejection reason.
Just a point here @hikaru588 there is a rejection reason for “submitter identifiable” this is mainly used when someone is seen in the image.
As for the little girl in the playhouse I would say this is sensitive as well and may also be the reason why the nomination got rejected.
However I’ve never seen that rejection reason before unless @elijustrying or @cyndiepooh or @DTrain2002 has ?!
I don’t know what to do now. Should I appeal?
Personally I wouldn’t appeal this,as it’s not really something I’d want to go looking for as it looks like it’s inside a building that may require paid access while nominations like this are allowed (inside artwork) I’m sure you can find something in a more open environment.
When you appeal however you only get one chance and have only 2 appeals to use every 20 days I believe so use these sparingly from your dashboard.
Yes, I have seen submitter identifiable used for recognizable people in the supporting photo. And dogs, etc.
I meant the face or body parts reason sillybilly
ugh, yes, the face or body parts used because it made the submitter identifiable even when the face(s) are in the supporting photo. including for pets. people trying to get across the message about why they rejected it the best they can.
It’s inside a mall, specifically the gaming and restaurant area, but no problem, I’ll look for another place.
Don’t feel disheartened that this particular nomination didn’t go through on this occasion.
By all means appeal if you wish,but then you’ll only have 1 left when the counter starts.
If your unsure swing back round and make a post and ask us for advice,there’s lots of us around with other views that can help.
Every 3 in 5 nominations I make get rejected as well
I didn’t comment on this earlier because others had, and I am very confused. You said you submitted
But this appears to be an indoor nomination, and the title is “graffiti”. I can’t see your description.
I see there are already portals for these:
Is this a separate area from these others?
If you want to nominate the mural that says “smash!” you should call it a mural instead of graffiti.
Let us know how the appeal goes. If it is accepted, great! If it is not, we can try to help you craft a new nomination.
Don’t worry it’s rejection number 4 out of 23 and 19 accepted, thank you for helping me
Yes, they are all in the same mall but separate from each other, thanks for helping me and I will come back again to take advice when I load the pokemon stops
A few other points I wanted to mention for your second go at this nomination that will help you get more reviewers to say yes instead of finding reasons for them to say no:
- Having a unique title (and capitalization)
From the main photo, it looks like the focus of the nomination is the painted artwork on the wall. “graffiti” is a very generic title–if there are other separate murals in that play area, they may be eligible, but they have a difficult time being accepted (reviewers may mark them as a duplicate of “graffiti”). It doesn’t have to be fancy, just not something that could be used for any mural in the area. Including the word “Smash!” (with or without the “!”) in the title is enough to make it a unique title.
Also capitalizing the first letter of words in your title would be good too, in case your nomination gets any reviewers that are also grammar police. I usually don’t reject over just the title, but if I don’t think it is a great title, I am much more likely to look for “reasons to reject” instead of “reasons to approve.” Do everything you can to make reviewers want to say yes to your nomination.
- A more helpful supporting photo
Indoor nominations can be tricky for a reviewer to validate that the location pin is accurate. A good supporting photo should include the focus of the nomination, as well as more of the surroundings. For indoor nominations, this can be tricky to get a good angle. Are you able to include the entranceway or are there any windows that you an include in the photo (while still showing some of the word “SMASH!”)? If not, they maybe the best you can do is to just show more of the surrounding space (such as is this near a corner of the room? Or what other play things are near it)?
I need to needlepoint this onto a pillow or something like that.
Nothing wrong with this as a suitable place simply because it might be restricted to a set group of people is no reason not to consider it.
@SerAmanda has given lots of good advice
It can seem like the right thing to do is to pile in different aspects of one place and that will make it a better. However it is best to remain focussed or else it gets confusing for reviewers. I think the term rejection criteria is because reviewers ended up not sure what reject with.
Make sure your nomination is clear.
This gives an idea of the style of photo that would work well if you were going to submit the mural,.