Rejected Removal Appeal - Pineapple Utility Box

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Pineapple Utility Box

  • Location (lat/lon): 27.587505,-80.43087

  • City: Vero Beach, FL

  • Country: United States

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): Fake Nomination - the photo provided for this wayspot is either copied or screenshotted as the utility box in question is not decorated. As can be seen from the actual photos of the location - there are no shops behind the utility box as seen in the fake submission.

Here is the image from the portal if anyone else is curious like i was:

Thanks @cyndiepooh - I was struggling to find a decent resolution photo.

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I opened the image in a new tab from iitc and added =s0 to the end. They taught me that on the Wayfarer Discussion Discord.

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I’m really confused. I looked at Street View and agree inarguably that your photo is at the GPS location of the Wayspot but the photos you took don’t seem to match the existing Wayspot. Street View doesn’t show any significant changes to the area going back 10 years.

It looks like the photo with the pineapple is between a sidewalk and a parking lot whereas the picture provided at this location is between the sidewalk and the road.

I wonder if I’m not seeing it right, if this was an accident while submitting remote, or this is another malpractice attempt from the Florida group(s) of one.


@Gendgi I’ve lived here since the early 90s and can confirm, not much has changed in the past 10 years at that corner. While the community does have SOME artistic utility boxes, this isn’t and has never been one of them.

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Thanks for confirming.

It would be nice if the appeals team digs a little deeper into this one, maybe even searches the database for similar examples.


Thanks for the appeal, @shadowrogue. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.