Report Abuse or Offensive

I reported something as Abuse and Offensive content

The photo, title, description was good, but on the supporting information’s last line description it said “Only idiots will reject this”.

Just wondering if it’s a valid report. I mean, I feel like it is, wanted to know what the community’s say is on this.

Hello and welcome,

Yes, I can certainly see how some may be offended by supporting info calling reviewers “idiots,” but others may not be offended and just ignore it.

I can also see it as influencing reviewers in a way, as they are basically asking for the nomination to be approved. So I do think you did the right thing by reporting it.

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Cool take, thank you for that. I mean I just considered it hate speech myself that’s why I reoprted it.

Speaking of influencing reviews.

I’ve read that some people just ignore when nominations say “please approve”, but are these grounds for reporting as influencing reviewers? Because as far as I remember that the examples Niantic gave on the guidelines were for like code name and stuff.

I don’t consider a simple “please approve” to be that influential on my voting, or variations like “please accept,” in the supporting info, but others may. I also don’t really see “I believe this should be a stop/portal” to be influencing either, as the games ask us to tell us as to why their nomination would make a good stop/portal, depending on the game.

If anything that’s game related is dropped in the title/description, and on the rare occasion main photo, such as describing a park with lots of trees a great place for trainers to catch some Pidgey (this was an actual nomination I did review once), that may be something I downvote on Accuracy as both a low quality description and influencing reviewers, since Pidgey is a Pokémon and can be caught in PoGo, and trainers are what players are called in-game.

BTW, here’s what the Report Abuse help page does state in regards to both offensive content, as well as inappropriate behavior:

Offensive or abusive title/description/supporting statements:

  • Attempts to add an offensive title/description to a live Wayspot
  • Title/description/supporting statements edits that mention codenames, real names or other personal information of players
  • Titles, descriptions, or supporting information that attempt to inappropriately influence the reviewers to vote in a specific way

Inappropriate Behavior by an Explorer:

  • If you experience inappropriate behavior from other explorers (bullying, harassment, threats)

Again, some might not be offended, others may, so like a lot of things Wayfarer related, it’s a judgment call.


It would probably depend on my mood whether I’d flag it or ignore it.

I can absolutely see how it was offensive and worth flagging, though.

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