Report for removal feature needs something else

I never saw that original post, but… November 2023…

That was the last AMA, right? So still on track for “before the end of our first AMA next year.”

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And we all know that Niantic never really gets anything done on time…

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As a new Wayfarer, I will definitely agree that reporting needs work.

Last week, I reported a wayspot that no longer exists, only for it to be denied. There was no way to include a supporting photo, which would have proved that it no longer existed.

These two photos were taken from practically the same spot. One is the original, one I took today and submitted as a new photo. (I’m sure the new photo will be denied as well. :sweat_smile:)

Hi @Gorawen , welcome to the forum and glad to see you are taking part in Wayfarer!

If I may offer a piece of advice regarding what you are trying to do: submitting new photos is really only for new photos of the same POI. Repeatedly submitting a picture of the swings being absent is not going to get the wayspot removed and will only get your photos rejected, and an empty spot is not eligible anymore.

I would suggest by starting with taking a couple of geotagged photos of the place you are showing us (please look up on Google how to enable this feature on your specific device) and then filling the removal form linked at the top of this forum, attaching your photo and a clear text explanation of what happened.

Alternatively you can use the “Report” > “Permanently removed” option in one of the games, and then if it gets rejected (this is unfortunately likely) you can appeal this rejection here on the forum in Wayspot Appeals with the same geotagged photos.

It’s a bit of a process but it’ll work much better than the route you are currently trying to use.

Good luck, please let us know if you get stuck on any of the steps!

Thank you. I originally used “Report” > “Permanently removed” option. The updated photo was a temporary means that I am sure wasn’t going to go far. I will use the Wayspot Appeals for the appeal. All my photos are geotagged by default so that is not an issue; I’m just going to have to retake my new photo because it apparently didn’t save to my phone when I took it through Pokemon Go, I had to download what I posted from the “Thank you” e-mail. :laughing:

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I don’t think it’s a problem to submit a photo of what’s actually there.

Also, scan it, 15-30 times. If your phone is able. Each scan can be as short as 15 seconds, I think. Scan from up high, down low, 360 degrees around the point (maybe each scan a portion of the way around).

Niantic doesn’t let us look under the hood on how they make decisions. But we know that Niantic LOVES scans, and loves to find uses for them. They consider scans as part of their Lightship/Wayfarer product.
In my experiences, scanning what’s there - means a removal (or picture from a new angle) is more likely to pass. Try your own experiments. Can’t hurt.