Wayspot Title: Decorated power box Rachelsmolen
Location (lat/lon): 51.450919,5.478053
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Decorated power box TU/e
Location (lat/lon): 51.445184,5.481319
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Groene driehoeken mini stroomkast
Location (lat/lon): 51.447830,5.477098
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Powerbox Art 4 U
Location (lat/lon): 51.446181,5.476519
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Red, Orange, Yellow power box
Location (lat/lon): 51.447364,5.477424
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Schakelkast kunst
Location (lat/lon): 51.415806,5.491230
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Versierde Verkeersregelkast
Location (lat/lon): 51.436231,5.485209
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Here is a link to an article on the official website of the city of Eindhoven that talks about the city’s initiative to improve the atmosphere in the city by decorating various boring city elements like power boxes. The article mentions a handful of local artists that were commissioned by the city to decorate these power boxes, and it shows several examples of their work, which clearly look very similar to the wayspots I’m appealing here. Obviously all these wayspots were also created by those artists. They are about as far from wanton graffiti vandalism as you can get, and therefore they should be restored.