Wayspot Title: Beschilderde Stroomkast Kluis Vestdijk Eindhoven
Location (lat/lon): 51.438123,5.482757
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Powerbox Lichtknop Art
Location (lat/lon): 51.476369,5.479918
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Socket by Muugeherder
Location (lat/lon): 51.437316,5.488506
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Stroomkast Lichtschakelaar
Location (lat/lon): 51.476208,5.484249
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
Wayspot Title: Stroomkast Stopcontact
Location (lat/lon): 51.475800,5.487454
City: Eindhoven
Country: Netherlands
These painted power boxes were removed for some baffling reason and I’d like to get them restored.
These are works of art that are created by a local artist and which were commissioned by the city of Eindhoven itself.
Here is a link to a news article about this artist on the official website of the city.
Here is the artist’s Instagram page, on which you can clearly see many artworks that look very similar to these ones.
And here is the artist’s official website. If you click on the fifth image in the leftmost column, you will clearly see two of the wayspots I listed in this topic (the purple one and the orange one).
Clearly these artpieces are as far from “graffiti vandalism” as you can possibly get, and removing these was a mistake that needs correcting.