- Wayspot Title: Aire de jeux du quartier chambord
- Location (lat/lon): 48,7736915, 2,3105481
- City: Sceaux
- Country: France
- Additional Information (if any):
- This little playground was built before the other next to it and is therefore clearly separated. (You can see the most recent one in construction next to it in the second photo)
Isn’t that located on the property of an elementary school?
Google maps says this is part of the elementary school. If that is wrong, you will need to present evidence. K-12 is a US term, but basically means that schools for students who are not adults are ineligible.
So does the city website: École primaire du Petit-Chambord (maternelle et élémentaire) | Sceaux
No outside, on a parking as the school website said it.
The Gymnasium too belongs to the school.
Appeal Rejected - Thanks for the appeal, Explorer. Based on the evidence available to us, the Wayspot in question seems to be on the property of an elementary school. As a result, we are unable to restore it.
Yes… But the gymnasium is outside the school
No… It doesn’t belong to the school, you can see the path on Google maps, it’s not in the school. How could I take the photo otherwise ? It’s next to a parking.
That’s still school property.
The gymnasium, yes, the playground, no. It is on a parking (which doesn’t belong to the school)
Youll need to provide evidence of this claim. Niantic will always side with caution when it comes to k-12 unless there is clear evidence.
And what kind of evidences ?
Property boundary lines, deed records. I dk whats available in your municipality, but anything official that supports your claim.