Generic entrance sign to bus depot. I cannot see how it is a valid place to explore, exercise or socialise. My options to flag that are limited to putting something in the optional text. Maybe there should be the option to also confirm if it meets the three criteria
I feel I can skip it. I can approve the right text. But I feel I am editing something that should not exist.
Anyhow here it is - thoughts please
You’re right - that nomination should have been rejected. It’s water under the bridge now.
What’s before you is whether that description is better than nothing. I think it is.
Who knows, maybe someone is updating the description in anticipation of reporting it. It doesn’t seem abusive - it seems factual, so OK.
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Yeah good point. @MargariteDVille …We are being asked a specific thing in the edit review. Not the validity of the waypoint.
BUT - I feel offended
No comments on how easy that is. I think we should have a way to flag these. Even if it is to push the object pack into review. Dunno.
I did do the edit review. And I did fill in the optional comment.
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