Route markers

Can you post an example of one of the trail markers so we can make an informed comment?

As stated before: The Trailmarker itself is not the wayspot, it doesnt need to be fancy ot have a written Trail name on it, as the trail itself is considered the Wayspot, and can be marked multiple times (with reasonable space in between, about 200 meter min).

Of course, putting selfmade stickers randomly anwhere and calling it a Trail is abuse. But having an actual trail there does make those Markers good spot to mark said trail as a wayspot at this point.

Some places have expensive street lights, some places have the cheapest basic street light, and whit route markers its the same.
Because it al depends on the goverment in the area how much money they have to spent and wanna spent on it

Most inportant is it safe location whit pedestrian access to walk. Lead it to somewhere great the route? Is it permanent marker?

And trail alone is not enough it need to have a trail marker whit direction or a hole map on information sign, but then you nominated the sign and not the trail .but to buy a map whit out markers to anchor the waypoint its not good, anyone can print a self made map