Hello, I have submitted some cycle path signpost routes. They were in the vote by Niantic and were rejected as a reason (company in general)
And they are located at 51.1066886, 13.9167286 / 51.1113941, 13.9090092 / 51.1019482, 13.9044119 / 51.1269281, 13.9165563 / 51.1266005, 13.9162576 / 51.1203813, 13.9224914
Based upon my non-existent knowledge of German road signage, your various nominations all appear to be generic mass produced traffic control / warning signs of no significance. These signs all appear to be located on ordinary suburban streets on shared pedestrian paths. Is there anything that actually makes these signs distinctive and unique?
You will have a stronger chance of getting a sign approved as a trail marker if your photo contains a reference to the actual trail name or you can provide a hyperlink in your supporting commentary to the trail map.
Good luck
What surprises me is that I have already gotten some of the cycle path signs with the street name through and now I also wanted to get the cycle/hiking path signs without street names through because there are already some in a neighboring town
I can only say that the approval of a supposedly ineligible wayspot does not create a precedent for the future approval of similar wayspots.
Based upon the rejection of your most recent nominations (five), there would appear to be no loner a “grey area” on this signage.
Is there a significant difference between the “content” of your approved submissions versus your rejected submissions. You might want to try resubmitting your rejected submissions based upon the content of your previously approved submissions.
My opinion…. The signs appear to be standard, mass produced and generic. They appear to be normal street / warning signs and are not linked to any defined walking or cycling trail.
Hey, deine Fotos haben sehr viel StraĂźenschilder mit drauf, Versuche neue Fotos zu machen auf denen fast ausschlieĂźlich der Wanderwegweiser drauf ist.
Als Text immer den Weg nennen und schreiben wohin der Weg fĂĽhrt, was fĂĽr ein Thema.der hat, solche Sachen.
Sieht mir so aus als hätten die Niantic Bewertet gedacht das seien alles normale Straßenschilder, was nicht stimmt
Hast du die Schilder durch bekommen? Bei mir werden nicht mal die Wegweiser (egal welche) vom Berliner Mauerweg akzeptiert: Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion - #273 by Linewalker
Ich habe dort eine Vermutung geäußert, wie Wegweiser aussehen müssen. Für mich ist es an dieser Stelle fraglich, wie Radwege (die zulässig sind), wie Wegweiser (die zulässig sind), wie Wanderwege (die zulässig sind) aussehen müssen, um akzeptiert zu werden. Es gibt dazu keine klare Richtlinie. Weder kulturelle, noch historische oder religöse Hintergründe zu den jeweiligen Wegen werden akzeptiert. Alle Markierungen werden generell als generisch dahingestellt - auch mit Dokumentation (Internetseite).