I made a nomination about an electrical transformer box and it got rejected with “generic business or not distinct”. Is there a way to report these people who put wrong info while rewiewing others?
Hi @BunnyPkmn
Nominating can be very rewarding when you get new spots in your game(s). But Niantic does give us both nominators and reviewers, criteria for what makes a good spot.
While electrical boxes with art on them can be approved, it’s because of the art making it a great place to explore.
Any acceptable spot has to meet at least one of these items:
- a Great place to explore
- A great place to exercise
- A great place to be social with others
If you can explain that in your nominations you have a good chance to get them accepted. Unfortunately I’m not seeing that in this one, unless I’m missing something.
We do have lots of resources and people that can help. I recommend exploring the forum and asking more questions.
Sorry to say it but if I came across something like this in my review queue then I’d reject it as well but more on the “Not Unique/Distinct lines”.
@LetsRollGirl gave you the correct information in there reply.
Try to find something that is worth visiting and making a Wayspot for the projects Niantic make with our nominations that no one else has thought of that isn’t already on your local map.
I walk past several of these daily but I wouldn’t consider nominating them as they are to Generic like street signs are.
Keep at it though…and think of the reward of knowing “I put that there” when you do get accepted.
In my case I just like seeing my player name on the wayspots in game kinda like a graffiti tag “he woz here”
We were told that we have to pick something from the first four reasons in order to reject a nomination:
We tried to tell Niantic that people would start using “Generic business” to mean “generic” when they put that rejection reason back in the current review flow and took out “Does not meet criteria” as an option. And the suggestion was made to the ambassadors which they relayed that something like a lamp post could be rejected as not “Distinct,” so that is how I use it. Reviewers are doing the best we can with the rejection reasons available when a nomination does not meet any criteria for acceptance.
From that photo alone, I’d probably reject due to no pedestrian access.
Also, from that photo alone, I can’t tell if is an official painting, graffiti, or scorch marks.
I would have rejected this as well, as it’s just a utility box, a very indistinct one, so I don’t think any of the reviewers that looked at this need to be reported; they did the right thing in rejecting this. I have nominated utility boxes with art on them, and have gotten them accepted. Here’s some examples for future reference.