Unfair declining of nominations

I’ve been submitting nomination for pokestops since 2021 and most usually get through. But for some reason within the last 24 hours all of my pending nominations (about 10 or less) have been getting mass rejected, even ones that meet all the criteria.
The reason given for the rejection doesn’t even match with the nomination for e.g. a Signpost for a Mosque was rejected and for the reason they said “temporary/ not distinct”. Another example from my nominations is a pavilion which had good photos and description, but the same reason was given - “temporary/ not distinct”.
It doesn’t even make sense and at this point I’m just feeling to stop nominating anymore because these unfair rejections are just a big waste of my effort to expand the game in my community.


Hello and Welcome @RevFlash2024

Could you post the full details of one please so we can see what the nomination is like. It will help us advise.


It is hard to advise on these without seeing the nominations. If you would like to post some, we can try to help.

I do know that bonus location moving was just opened, so you may have had an influx of reviewers to your area reviewing with a different understanding of what criteria is.

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These two nominations said mismatched location but i can assure you they are in the right location…on one of them you can even see where the location point is on the word “chinese” for the restaurant

These rejections also don’t make sense…some of these have been waiting for months mind you

Wow this is a lot. For this one, I can see how they would have said this

Is not “Distinct” from this existing Wayspot.

I think that one is fair. Will look at others as I get time if others haven’t yet.

To add to that you shouldn’t get both the sign and the building.

In addition the sign mentions secondary education which is not acceptable. I think the two are next to each other but it is something to be aware of.

oh totally missed the translation on the sign. will leave this to others.

Oh i see fair enough

You can still help there are afew @cyndiepooh

The Brian Lara one I would consider a duplicate.

I appreciate you have focussed on the sign for the stadium further down the road but it is here in these photos and I think it’s a part of this pkace. Even although you submitted the one on the other side. It is probably why someone else picked not distinct.

But there are only 2 wayspots at the stadium itself I would be surprised if there are not some more suitable waypoints there. It looks a great place.

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For the Dow Rec…

I think not distinct has been picked as it has a similar function to the pavilion seating that is a few metres away.
However this looks more like a proper pavilion/ club house - is part of the building behind the seats an area where the players gather?
I would take fresh pictures and focus on that part as I would consider that the cricket pavillion for this ground. :sunglasses:

The golden dome I would consider an integral part of the building of the mosque which is already a wayspot. So I would have marked as a duplicate. However on the inside there may be artwork that could be considered separately - I don’t know if it is considered sensitive to photograph inside.

Those are all interesting - thanks for sharing.

I don’t see how fish are princes? Pictures hung on a wall are harder to get thru because they can be moved.

Photographers use a slanted view because they make their viewers uncomfortable. It’s on purpose, for horror movies, or someone making a statement about the environment or politics, . The angle of your supporting image shouldn’t matter. But it could be wise to use psychology and not do something to make the viewer uncomfortable. (Google Dutch Tilt for more info.)

Your pavilion picture focuses on the steps. Makes the viewer wonder if it’s not really a pavilion and you’re hiding something. But maybe it’s just that you had to take it around people who were enjoying it. Hopefully it has streetview. But regardless - I suggest getting a better picture.

They are not steps, it’s the seating as part of the pavilion.

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Oh! Or is it seating for the sports field, so is part of an existing Wayspot? We can’t nominate different pieces of a whole (scoreboards, goal posts, viewing stands, etc).

I can see where you’re coming from but i just emulate what i see already done around me…there’s other places that i see have different segments of a whole as their own pokestop or gym…the same example you used - a scoreboard…is a pokestop, the seating in the pavilion are separated into north and west and are both pokestops, the stadium itself is a gym and theres a plaque in the stadium that is a gym also…all that is in one whole area.
So you can understand why to me it made sense that these nominations were perfectly eligible…i still think it should be a non issue to nominate things that are a part of a whole because they are all their own thing in a way

I understand the thinking, but unfortunately (and counterintuitively for newer Wayfinders) already approved objects can’t be relied upon as examples of what is eligible. We don’t know when they were approved and how. Instead the only guidelines we have to go on are criteria. And it’s always great to ask on here!

Just food for thought for the future.


I think you misread the fishes are princes part lol…“Princes Town” is the area

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I feel you
many many rejections, and the only two I had, just disappeared without an explanation

From videos I’ve seen on YouTube, there is an AI that declines whatever “it” thinks is not valid. So yeah, I am guessing there are few real people who are reviewing now so they rely on computers to say what is valid or not.