It seems that many rural areas are missing stops, gyms and other iteresting features in the game.
I try to play Pokemon go but there are no stops in anywhere, next gyms are 15 km’s away and you cannot create routes as thereare no pavements or nothing.
What to do?
Hello and welcome @magratgarlik
This is a common issue and we will be happy to offer any help we can.
This article is a great starting point
If you are comfortable about telling us more about your town and where it is so we can start to look around.
You are also welcome to post photos/details of potential nominations.
It is not obvious when you arrive where the best place to post your question is so I will move this to nomination support.
It’s not always easy to get Wayspots in every area and Niantic cannot predict this when they release their games. If you have things like Churches, Parks, Publicly accessible playgrounds, and if you are in the UK Postboxes that are do not have King Charles 3 or Queen Elizabeth 2 ensignia, Post Offices, Coffee Shops where people can hang out and socialise, Pubs, interesting / popular restaurants, and attractions that people may be interested in, these are things that could help generate Wayspots / Pokestops / Gyms in your local area.
Also, feel free to share your Town details (including country) and I am sure the wizards amongst us can help you.
One of the great advantages of living in a rural location is the quiet & peace as you’re not in a busy location. You’ve chosen (or your parents etc. chose) to live outside of the cities and towns.
Then you have a disadvantage when it comes to Niantic games as they use points of interest which will be more sparse in locations like this.
There could still be things around like churches & plaques & post offices but you will have to spend more time looking than someone in a large city.
HPWU revival time? No? Aw…
I think HPWU was overly complicated for what it was. I gave up the game early on. But I am sad to see it go all the same.
@elijustrying under this criteria, would a well(if it is not a run down one) be eligible, since it does still brings something to the community, mostly for watering gardens and so on. Something in this manner:
Yes this was taken from google, but i have none atm that is from my area, i dont take pictures in advance.