Suspended vote

Non capisco perché sono due giorni che mi risulta questa scritta, qualcuno sa il perché?

I don’t understand why I’ve had this message for two days, does anyone know why?

@aliccolo does this mean these are on hold? This looks like italian to me.

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Thanks for the ping! I haven’t encountered this notification before, but it isn’t the hold message. It means voting suspended or vote pending. Either way, it’s not a notification I’m familiar with from Wayfarer.

Italian translation is still broken. Voto in suspenso is supposed to be In Voting I think, but it’s a very poor translation.
In queue is In Attesa, I think

Why I can’t use an upgrade. I have 1

If you have Automatic Upgrades set to on in the Wayfarer Website settings, it causes some problems. Try again with turning it off and refreshing the website