Wrong Italian translation


There are wrong translation of kind of status of contributions when the Wayfarer Site uses Italian Language.

In Voting → Voto in Sospeso [???]
My suggestion is “In Valutazione”

On Hold → In Attesa (it is same traslation used for In queue)
My suggestion is “In Pausa”


Hi, thank you for the great suggestion! I strongly agree with this (it is not acceptable that statuses that are different in English translate to the same label), and would like to add that the French interface translation has the exact same issue that has confused people for years, this is not exclusive to Italian. I will add my suggestions to yours if that’s OK!

Status Current French Proposed French Current Italian Proposed Italian
On Hold En attente En pause In attesa In pausa
In Queue En attente En attente In attesa In attesa
In Voting Vote en attente Vote en cours Voto in sospeso In valutazione

In addition, I would suggest that for both languages, the recently updated wording for “In Voting” and “In Voting (Niantic)” is aligned per the above suggestions.

To further add to this, the same wording issue exists on the “Hold” buttons in both languages, which cannot be left uncorrected.


Thanks for your precious feedback.