There is no approved Pokestop

Hi, I found a theme called “Dead S17 Cells” not long ago. I uploaded it with the same theme. There is no POI on the bugged S17 cells, but the “공원 및 녹지시설 이용안내” POI approved on December 22nd still doesn’t appear in the game.

I’d appreciate it if you could check it out.
Thank you :blush:

Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.

  • Description of the issue
  • Date first (or most recently) experienced
  • Device type, model, and operating system
  • Game & Game Version (if applicable)


Would you be able to share the GPS location of your wayspot? Sometimes there are proximity reasons why things do not show up in specific Niantic games.

(37.0517083, 127.0472593)

Your accepted Wayspot can not come to Pokemon go and neither to Ingress as " 고덕 여염 운동시설" is already accepted within the same cell and the 20 metre range

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I applied to the cell just above the cell where the “고덕 여염 운동시설" exists, and this is the right place.

@kawin240 has access to the database and has the coordinates of the wayspot. You might’ve submitted it where you say, but it’s likely been moved by reviewers during review if they thought it was in the wrong place.


you can see for yourself where the wayspot went live from the nomination map screen when you are right at the wayspot. if this is not the actual real world location of the thing you submitted, you can submit evidence of that to help chat at Niantic Wayfarer and ask them to correct it. but they only do real life corrections, not moves to put something in an empty cell.

This is exactly what has happened