It’s a fishing lake sign. I see these stuck on trees in most fishing lakes and they’re usually the only marker for the fishing lake. It’s not a private fishing lake as anyone can get a membership (3700 people in a waiting list to get one) and theres a public footpath going around most of the lakes.
Theres the website
I also have another one in queue that says members only at a different entrance
I know there isn’t much difference but the second one is a better anchor of what the place is. The first is more of a do and donts.
But I do know what you mean so many angling clubs don’t have proper signs 
I pass one on a regular basis where there is a good club noticeboard but I need to get in to get a clear picture.
One day 
It’s basically the same thing as a park or play area sign
I might get some heat for this one. The sign on the tree I can understand the rejection. Don’t agree with the abuse raiting, but it does look temporary. Not doubting the validity of the sign, or the reason for nominating it, I would struggle to approve it if it were in my queue.
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My first thought on the first one was that it looked like a generic rules sign I would have voted as “Not Distinct,” but idk about the abuse. Unless people thought it was fake? Did the supporting photo provide good information about the location?
The second one seems more like it is identifying a location, and is much more likely that I would accept, judging by the main photo. But that is not my review area.
This is the supporting photo and description. It was very hard to get a better angle but I got the gate in the background so people could identify where this was. I didn’t put much effort into the supporting information as I thought this was going to be an easy accept as it’s a fishing lake, I didn’t think that I needed to talk that much about it being private or not as these are usually open to members of a fishing club or whoever buys a day ticket off them all around the country, I believe it’s quite rare where theres a fishing lake and it’s strictly private property in this country (ones that aren’t in peoples back gardens).
I’ve also gotten used to putting the website into the supporting information that I don’t really put much effort into it anymore 
hmm then i am stumped by the “abuse” reason. maybe it was a one-off you don’t need to worry about too much.
A nomination for the appeals team to decide on
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Here’s an angling sign I had accepted by the community earlier this month:
Here’s a marina sign I had rejected by the community earlier this month:
The outcome of these is consistent with the advice you are getting for the two signs, namely that your second one is clearly an information sign and the first one is primarily a ‘bollocking’ sign. Although my rejected sign does actually say welcome, it then proceeds to issue a barrage of warnings and that may have been the issue (I haven’t yet sought any advice towards a resubmission, but I may do in the future).
The other thing about your first sign is that the photo makes it look like it could be a poster, where it is difficult to see any fixings, due to being attached to a tree rather than a post or fence, even if it is actually a permanent sign that has weathered a bit.
I agree with others that it was a reasonable nomination to make and another concern about abuse accusations being banded about too freely.
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Well. Both have been rejected now 
Lovely. Another nomination added to my backlog of things to appeal
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