Here is a great list of ideas:
Did you have something in mind? You can post a photo of something and tell us about it and we can try to help you decide if it will be good.
I really enjoy tree markers like this that tell me a lot about it. It looks like it is permanent. I think I would submit this.
Make sure that the location is not on SFPRP (single family private residential property) or grounds of a school for children.
If you can move the leaf blocking the sign a bit out of the way for the main photo, that might help.
I did not mean cut the leaves, I meant hold them out of the way. But if you can’t, don’t harm the plants.
I am not sure I translated that correctly so I will explain this just in case. You cannot submit nominations on this forum. You must submit them through Pokemon Go or Ingress at the present time. You must be level 37 in Pokemon Go or level 10 in Ingress to submit nominations.
@elijustrying can you please move this to Nomination Support unless you think i completely misunderstood this post?
I do not understand what you are showing me. My nomination screen does not look like that. If the pin won’t stay where you are putting the nomination, then you may be too far away to submit it.