The Wayfarer team recommends the use of Scaniverse.
Scaniverse can only be used for Wayspot and removal appeals. Putting your Scaniverse link into the supporting information of your nomination is not allowed, see here: Leveling Up Your Appeals and Reports - Discussion - #5 by NianticThibs
People in areas without any street view footage will need to take very good supporting photos.
Our friend from Pakistan showed one bad example where they photographed a mosque only from the inside on both photos. Unless the mosque is clearly visible anyways on the map so that there is little doubt, they can work on their supporting photos to make the reviewing of their area possible.
There used to be a workaround so people could upload to street view despite this function being more and more deprecated, but I don’t know if it still works and it’s really complicated too.
回答については @kawin240 にお任せします。
It is scaniverse(スキャニバース), not scampers(スキャンパーズ).
You may also reply in Japanese, but please be careful to use the most polite grammar possible. Disorganized grammar will result in incorrect results in robot translation and may not convey your intentions. It is also important to make sure that each sentence up to the punctuation mark is short.
As for the wording, if you use submit(提出) in place of apply(申請), reject(拒絶) in place of deny(否認), and eligible(資格) in place of suitable(適性), it will more often than not match the word Wayfarer in English.
I’ll leave it to @kawin240 for the answer.
I do not understand these questions. I will try to make it simple.
You may use scaniverse scans when asking Niantic to remove or restore a deleted wayspot. You may also use them when appealing a rejected nomination. Notice that all of these requests go directly to Niantic.
You should not use scaniverse scans when submitting a nomination through the regular wayfarer process. Reviews are completed by other players. Those players should not be linked to your scans because your user name will be visible on the scan.
You haven’t answered my question. I will try to make it simple.
Nianticwayfarer is reviewing maps based on Google, various companies, and individual street views. I’m looking for a solution to the answer that says not to use all of them as references.
None of the examples you cited are explicitly connected to someone’s Niantic account like Scaniverse is, so this is not equivalent.
絶望しました。I understand the language barrier is terrible. I won’t be talking to you guys. I’ll be out there today with a shovel trying to deal with some terrible wayspots.
Really sorry you feel this way - I don’t know if there is another way or translation tool we can use to make this easier?
Regarding the wayspot you share, the unrelated photo shouldn’t be too hard to get rid of by contacting help chat, so this shouldn’t take extensive shoveling.
In Japan, there are still many places in rural areas where Street View is not yet available. However, this does not mean that there are no places where Street View is not available. In Honshu and Kyushu, aerial photographs are available, and the image quality is good enough to show the color of the roofs of buildings.
Although it is very tedious, the only way is to check the availability of Street View and aerial photos of the location where you want to apply, find buildings that can be used as references, and create images for supplementary information. In some cases, we will collage multiple images. In some cases, you may have to use a residential map, and in other cases, you may have to use your wits.
Both Scaniverse and Google Street View could make the submitter visible from the account name. Handling of this issue in community review will be difficult.
Who has told you not to use street view or other tools as references?
You cannot take a screenshot from a third party tool to submit it as your photo for the wayspot. But you can refer to those tools and should use them to provide proof for your own nominations and when reviewing nominations from others.
How can you prove the location when no tools like that exist? That is a different question. We have some suggestions for how to do that.