Hi, good evening or morning. Can i get aome help moving yhe location of this nomination please, the streets are similiar and when i made this i uploaded it from home,If you need more proof let me know, the reason the mistake was madr couse there is no street view to verify and me putting it in the wrong place,even tho it got accepted and its like a block away from its original locations,this is the current location 21.0397590, -105.2532597 and this is the location it needs to be at 21.0409910, -105.2518217
Welcome to the forum @ReeceandDgm
Location edits are not handled here. If you’re unable to submit the edit in game due to it being too far away from the correct location (or not appearing in game), you can use the wayfarer support chat on the wayfarer website. Login to your wayfarer account, navigate to the help page, and then tap the speech bubble icon in the corner to open up a support ticket. You’ll be able to select a location edit through this chat, and provide any evidence that you think will help prove the validity of the edit.
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This is a resolved discussion, but let me use the information. The following sources of evidence are available
- geo-tagged images or videos with location enabled
- submission of an all-sky image to Google Maps (StreetView)
- scanned data of the object by Niantic’s app, Scaniverse