I would say that although trails and markers are widely accepted and listed in the critieria as a good place to exercise, reviewers, the ML, and the appeals team are all wildly inconsistent as to what is said about them
Maybe the appeals team don’t get to google?
Oooh I just got an acceptance for mine
Hopefully @gingerphil89 did too?
Oops, now my other post is in the wrong place
Hi I have split this into its own topic since it is about the outcome of an appeal.
Can you post your original submission please and if you kept a copy what you covered in the appeal.
Edit: all brought into one topic.
My appeal decision just got reversed so its accepted now - thanks so much!!
Hopefully the main post here got the same result
I did too! @elijustrying My appeal has also been reviewed and overturned. Thank you so much!
nUnfortunately I did not take a copy of the appeal information but I learnt from previous posts and correspondence to directly reference the 16 May clarification criteria, and once again referenced the website link for the Slí na Sláinte routes in the text.
With some Irish routes there remains some discrepancy between the guidance provided and the outcomes particularly ones that look like this. They often do not have a name on them, e.g. National Famine Way, but they span huge distances and are 43 nationally recognises routes of this variety.
I’m really glad you got the appeal reversed! Its good news.
I also think that the more markers that get added, the more acceptable they become to reviewers who become used to seeing them in game and during review of the “check for duplicates” map