Trick or Tree Scaniverse Sweepstakes v2

Hello Explorers,
Cross posting here since I’m seeing some excitement and participation from other Explorers in our second Scaniverse sweepstakes. If you’re interested, check out the post below… might give you something to do this weekend and maybe win an awesome prize :man_shrugging:t4: all while you wait for us to finalize all of the Wayfarer Challenge stuff coming up soon!

Anyway, leaving this here for now. Chat soon about the challenge once we have it all prepped and ready to share.


Will one of the challenges be obtaining clarifications on eligibility and removal criteria?


I think most Wayfarers are going to be more excited about an upcoming challenge, since it keeps being talked about.


I got one good one in a few weeks ago. And the second thing I tried didn’t go well :joy_cat:

So I’m being a bit discerning with my attempts at the moment.

Yeah, and being that the Scaniverse welcome thread has cooled down here in the Wayfarer forums seems to indicate that not all of us have been excited for it, but some have been. I think those that are excited are over on the Scaniverse forums already though.

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Please no challenge around ingress anomaly weekend (November 2)

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Hello and welcome,

It’s not uncommon for Wayfarer challenges to take place during game events, as they are separate from the games. For instance, there’s a research day tomorrow for PoGo, but Scaniverse’s event will also be taking place.

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I have already participated in sweepstakes :jack_o_lantern:
I plan to do the same for Wayfarer challenges :exclamation:


Me too