Upload photo for Portal Removal reports

In my exhaustive 30 seconds of searching, I haven’t found this subject breached here, so I apologize if I am retreading a well-worn path.

This may not even be the correct venue. Surely, the moderators can kindly “move” this to the correct board or direct me to it.

This is a question of general advice. I am constantly having portal removal reports rejected, and in a few cases, I have posted exhaustive documentation here to demonstrate that I am not, in fact, just reporting invalid portals for my health.

It would be nice if, as in the case of portal submissions, one could simply upload a photo as evidence: this mural truly is gone, this paradise truly has been replaced by a parking lot, and so on.

Agreed, but you can also provide such evidence if you click on “Wayspot Removals” on the top of this forum, you can use that for videos or geotagged 360 degree photos too.