Please Remove this Portal

I’ve submitted the Portal “Shark Attack” in Oakland Ca for review numerous times over the years since it appeared but it won’t be removed.

The ‘sculpture’ the portal is based on is actually a hood ornament on a vehicle that doesn’t even park there anymore.

Please remove it as the object it is based on was never there and it was created erroneously

You could use the ‘Report Abuse’ form at the top of the Forum as this sounds like a fake wayspot. That’ll get a quick resolution to this.

Otherwise you’ll need to post your rejection email and other details to have it reviewed here.

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You will need geotagged images from that location to prove that the item is not there. If you have those (and can show the spot on Google street view through history), you can use the “property owner” form linked above as “Wayspot Removals.” Most report getting a result within 1 or 2 days using that method if they have all the right evidence to prove the wayspot is not there.

Don’t worry about the language telling you that you must be the property owner. Niantic knows this is a poorly written form. They have given us permission to use it for removals.

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Actually, I tried that number of times but never got a good result.
There was a sign in a park, that got removed and its a pokestop in pokemon go, so i tried submitting it was removed, sadly i got rejected telling Im not the property owner, and even with photos the waypoint didnt got removed.
Tried my luck now right here in the forum, hope it will help :confused:

Y como hago para mover una wayspod desde el foro . Todo a cambiado y ya no sé cómo hacerlo

Hola, para mover un wayspot es mejor que vayas a la web de Niantic Wayfarer. Una vez dentro entra en Ayuda y abajo a la derecha de tu pantalla te aparecerá un círculo naranja con el icono de un cuadro de texto dentro. Pulsas ahí y solamente tendrás que seguir los pasos que te indica.