Warning Notice

There shouldn’t be flexibility, its against the critieria


even against the copyright law


A screenshot of another source is ineligible, full stop. Intentional use of third party photos, such as Google maps, is abuse. Reviewing and willfully accepting third part photos is abuse.

There are no exceptions and you are willingly placing your account at risk of further action and potentially permanent bans.


If there are any wayspot that has been accepted where Google Images have been used, and is still being used, either someone should replace the photo with their own and get the Google Image removed or the Wayspot should be removed.

There may be “places” where Google Street View images are accepted as there may be an agreement that exists between the 2 entities. There is no agreement, as far as I know, between Niantic and Google regarding the use of their images.

Don’t pretend not to notice and advertise it on an open community board run by Niantic, as the staff do pay attention and they may take action.


I understand the difficulty of taking pictures in areas that are popularly used. However, thats not a reason to steal someone elses work by taking their image they took. Whether its google or a picture from another site. Ive done submissions inside an active amusement/waterpark on a weekend and was able to find the right moment and time to take pictures while there. Sometimes you have to get creative with hiding people by changing your angle or just come back in a bit and see if its less busy. All in all it is possible to take nice photos for your submissions yourself. Just get out of your car, make sure the picture isnt to bright or to dark, get your object lined up, double check for people and license plates and then finally take your pictures. All the photos I take are done with my phone without editing. The best way is to take the picture with your phones camera first. Double check the final product for rejection material, and possibly crop it a little but to be centered better(just don’t crop to much it should still be square). Then upload jt by selecting the existing picture option when creating your wayspot. Wish you best of luck with taking your pictures in the future! :slight_smile:



The function of receiving the warning notice is to make you reflect on what you have been doing, in order to give you a chance to reform your practice and come back into line with what is expected.

Although you started this topic not thinking you were doing anything wrong, it has become clear you are.

I understand how tricky it can be to find places that meet criteria and to take photos but that is what we ALL need to do. There are no exceptions.

A number of experienced Wayfinders have explained the issue and you seem reluctant to take that reasoning and advice on board and are sticking to your incorrect view. The advice is being given to help you. You have had a warning the next steps on the enforcement ladder involves various degree of suspension not just from Wayfarer but from games.

My guidance is to take the advice that has been freely offered, change what you are doing and continue to enjoy playing and doing wayfarer. Yes, you won’t like it, but there is nothing to like about the alternative.

  1. I try to be as careful as possible, but sometimes I use Google Street View images as a last resort. Believe it or not, many people, especially in Türkiye and in many other countries, use Google Street View or similar images.

  2. I personally prefer to take my own photos whenever possible, but this is just a summary of the situation. In many countries, it’s the same — no one really goes out to distant places to take photos.

  3. There are so many photos, and not all of them can be actual on-site shots. Many people upload images taken from Google Street View or another street view source. Just saying. And some of these images are edited using Photoshop to avoid detection.

  4. That’s the reality. I’d like to thank those who understand and accept this. If I were the one approving, I’d also overlook it, especially for game areas and sports locations.

  5. Whether you believe it or not, this is the case. No one really walks to these places, especially in Türkiye and elsewhere. The only exception might be fanatical players.

  6. I don’t want to stretch this topic further; I think it can be closed here. I’m convinced that no one is actually walking to these spots and that street view images are simply being used, whether from Google or another source.

  7. So, happy gaming! Just saying, believe it or not, this is how it works in many countries.

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  1. Basically, no one here is going to walk when there’s Street View available.

  2. Who would walk, take a photo, and upload it? No one would understand it. That’s our rule, especially in many countries.

  3. That’s the situation — we find the easy way. :grinning:

  4. Alright, take care! :smile:

If no one walks there, why would you risk your account by using images you do not have the right to use? When no one will walk there anyways so there is no need for a wayspot?

  1. In short, I’m using this metaphorically — with street view images available, no one is actually going out to take photos. That’s how it works here.

  2. I’m sure many photos are from Google Street View, with some exceptions. Around here, no one walks out to take their own photos when street view images are accessible.

  3. Who would go out, take a photo, and upload it when street views are available? This is the norm here, and it’s common practice in many countries as well — believe it or not.

  4. This is the situation. We tend to find the easy way around things here.

I’m sure your fellow Pogo players will thank you for throwing them all under the metaphoric bus. Even if your fellow players are doing it, doesn’t mean you should do it.

Lol if its too far out to walk there and take a photo then you don’t need to make a waypoint there do you :sweat_smile:

Someone who does walk there can make it instead, or it can remain empty rather than risking a ban by using these stolen images


As a wayfarer, you have the power to update the map. If you see something on school property you can report if for removal.

Its up to wayfarers to update things. Thats why everyone here has been very clear on the rules of accurate images.

This is incorrect to such a degree. I and many others here take pride in taking our own in person photos. I find it disrespectful of us who dont abuse 3rd party images to say we “do it to” when you have 0 proof to even start making a claim like that. I have, and will never, use a 3rd party image. I have more integrity than that.

I hope the comments here are properly looked into by the right team. With that, ill take my leave.


Hey everyone, I’ve asked staff to jump in but just wanted to say I don’t think there’s any value in the general community continuing to engage in this thread, and

Much love to those who attempted to reach the OP.

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No, not everyone does it. And, quite frankly, your insistence that we do is a huge insult to those who don’t. I am an older person who is not in good physical shape with a knee that hurts if I walk too much. I absolutely, 100%, ALWAYS take my own photos for the hundreds of photos I have taken to submit to Wayfarer.

Your attitude reflects pure laziness and I will advocate with my last breath anyone who refuses to take their own photos should have their Wayfarer access revoked.



İstisnalar hariç olarak dedim. Birçok kişi yapıyor demek istedim. Yürüyerek yapanlara saygı duyuyorum, o ayrı bir konu. Genel olarak, özellikle Türkiye’de durum bu.

Ek olarak, konuyu uzatmak gerek yok. Konunun yetkili kişi tarafından kapanması gerekiyor. Herkese iyi oyunlar :smile: Sadece durumu özetledik, burada daha yazmak istemiyorum. Herkese iyi oyunlar!


I said, except for the exceptions. I meant that many people do it. I respect those who do it by walking, that’s a separate matter. In general, especially in Turkey, this is the situation.

Additionally, there’s no need to extend the topic. The issue should be closed by the authorized person. Good games to everyone :smile: We just summarized the situation, I don’t want to write more here. Good games to everyone!

Mod Edit

Thank you, everyone, for sharing your insights, reminders, and advice on this topic.

@pokemus61 and anyone with similar concerns, please remember to follow Niantic’s guidelines by using only original photos for submissions. Let’s keep Wayfarer fair and authentic for everyone.

This thread will now be closed. Happy exploring!